The first two prophecies are well known among many Christians today to have already been fulfilled. Most of today's history books do in fact record this event as having occurred. However, they don't acknowledge the fact that Jesus prophesied this event 40 years prior to it's actual fulfillment.
Unless otherwise noted, The Bible I'll
be quoting from is the Authorized King James Version.
- Matthew 24:15,16 "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:"
In A.D.66 when Cestius came against the city,
but unaccountably withdrew, the Christians discerned in this the sign foretold
by Christ, and fled while 1,100,000 Jews are said to have been killed in
the terrible siege in A.D. 70. (The attack of the Roman warrior Titus occurred
in 70AD killing the 1,100,000 Jews) Eusebius, Church History, book 3,
chap. 5
After I read about this prophetic event as a young Christian I understood the importance of prophecy and why the Lord saw fit to bless us with it. I actually saw two reasons for His prophecy.
When we see the Almighty's prophecy come to light with 100% accuracy like this, we see a true and awesome Creator who knows all, has created all, and does in fact see all. We also see a God that loves His children so much that He actually writes them a book that shares with them the one true and accurate method by which to live and prepare themselves for His eternal Kingdom. Which by the way, is VERY soon in coming as you will soon see.
- Matthew 24:21 "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
"For teaching faith contrary to the teaching of the
Church of Rome, history records the martyrdom of more than 100 million people."
Brief Bible Readings p. 16
Under the bloody maxims those persecutions were
carried on, from the eleventh and twelfth centuries almost to the present
day, which stand out on the page of history. After the signal of open martyrdom
had been given in the canons of Orleans, there followed the extirpation
of the Albigenses, under the form of a crusade, the establishment of the
inquisition, the cruel attempts to extinguish the Waldenses, the martyrdoms
of the Lollards, the cruel wars to exterminate the Bohemians, the burning
of Huss and Jerome, and multitudes of other confessors, before the Reformation;
and afterwards, the ferocious cruelties practised in the Netherlands, the
martyrdoms of queen Mary's reign, the extinction, by fire and sword, of
the reformation in Spain and Italy, by fraud and open persecution in Poland,
the massacre of Bartholomew, the persecution of the Huguenots by the League,...
and all the cruelties and perjuries connected with the revocation of the
edict of Nantz [Nantes]. These are the more open and conspicuous facts
which explain the prophecy, besides the slow and secret murders of
the holy tribunal of the inquisition. -Rev. T. R. BIRKS, M.A., The Four
Prophetic Empires, and the Kingdom of Messiah (1845 ed.) pp. 248, 249
The church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no Protestant who has a competant knowledge of history. The memorials, indeed, of many of her persecutions are now so scanty that it is impossible to form a complete conception of the multitudes of victims, and it is quite certain that no powers of imagination can adequately realize their sufferings. -W.E.H. LECKY, History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, (Reprint; New York: Braziller, 1955) Vol.2 pp. 40-45 |
Think of it, 100 MILLION! That actually dwarfs Hitler's holocaust by comparison! Some historians, like John Foxe, of Foxe's book of Martyrs are even estimating the death toll at just over 500 MILLION! This period was indeed the most extensive attack to date ever on the true Christian church in the history of mankind. But still, some preachers will go so far as to say this day is yet to come. Don't let those preachers of error scare you into thinking it's better to be a sinner than a saint because of a precarious future ahead. Of course all Christians will become extremely un-popular soon, and they will experience a short time of trouble as well as the "...time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it." [Jeremiah 30:7] We have an Almighty and Loving Heavenly Father that will protect and keep us during the trouble Jeremiah speaks of. However, the wicked will be all alone when the "time of Jacob's trouble" is realized. They haven't learned how to trust and rely on the God of all creation for protection in this intense time. And those that knowing the Truth concerning these facts waited until the troubles started to walk with Christ, they too will be found lost when Christ arrives. For they do not love Christ as Lord, and seek to please Him with their lives. They only seek Him as a way out of Hellfire, and this is not why He came. Sure, those that follow Christ will escape damnation. But this is not why we follow Him. We do so because we love Him.
Yes there is indeed a time of spiritual as well as physical trouble coming to this planet very soon, however, when the plagues do begin to fall, it is entirely directed toward the wicked, NOT the Christian! The Bible states very plainly that the children of God will be spared the seven last plagues of Revelation. The Un-Believer is the one that has the wrath of God poured upon him, and this wrath is poured WITHOUT mercy!
- Revelation 14:9,10 "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:"
- JESUS SAID IN... John 16:2 "They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service."
The next three prophecies are a bit on the extraordinary in manner. Some would say shocking. I honestly believe that this is no mistake. I believe Jesus planned it that way so that when the prophecy comes to be, it can in no way be mistaken for anything less than fulfillment.
I will not be a bit surprised if you never knew these next three prophecies were actually fulfilled. The enemy has been very busy keeping these facts hidden from the general public. This has been going on for many hundreds of years. Rome has been very crafty in making sure certain facts were hidden from the general public.
Whenever an event occurs in history of Biblical proportions, the media of the day always seems to do a hush hush on it. Not unlike today in fact. They always seem to use the reason for playing it down to be that they want to prevent wide spread panic. I have recently noticed watching the TV news, many times a reporter will report an event that was actually prophesied in the Bible. But later the story will be absolutely impossible to find repeated on any other newscast or network. It's almost as if they realized their snafu of letting the prophecy confirmation air, and then decided to do a hush hush job on it to spare us the details. These next three prophecies are just like that. History does however record them in vivid detail. So be ready to see a prophecy of old come to light this very day. I have talked with many Christians about these prophecies, and with true honesty, I have to say that over 90% were amazed that they never knew of these particular facts!
PROPHECY # 3,4, & 5 are ALL found in Matthew 24:29, and proclaimed by Jesus Himself!
- Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"
Timothy Dwight, president of Yale, remembered
that "a very general opinion prevailed, that the day of judgment was at
hand. The [Connecticut] House of Representatives, being unable to transact
business, adjourned," but the Council lighted candles, preferring, as
a member said, "to be found at work if the judgment were approaching."
(See JOHN W. BARBER, Connecticut Historical Collections [2d ed., 1836],
... If every luminous body in the universe had
been shrouded in impenetrable shades, or struck out of existence, the darkness
could not have been more complete. A sheet of white paper held within
a few inches of the eyes was equally invisible with the blackest velvet."
-SAMUEL TENNEY, Letter (1785) in Collections of the Massachusetts Historical
Society, part 1, vol.1 (1792 ed.), pp.97,98
source) The remarkable Dark Day of May 19, 1780, is described by Samuel Williams of Harvard, The professor relates... "between the hours of ten and eleven a.m., and continued until the middle of the next night,... Candles were lighted up in houses; ... the birds having sung their evening songs, disappeared, and became silent;... the fowls retired to roost; ... the cocks were crowing all around, as at the break of day; ... objects could not be distinguished but at a very little distance; and everything bore the appearance and gloom of night." -Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences [through 1783], vol.1 pp. 234,235.) Jesus said, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened....” The United States had barely been born when on May 19, 1780 it witnessed what has been remembered in history as the great Dark Day. According to the Boston Gazette, “there was the appearance of midnight at noonday.” The darkness began around 10 a.m. Candles were lighted; animals thought it was night. The Connecticut Historical Collections describes the tension in the state legislature where, “a very general opinion prevailed, that the day of judgment was at hand.” The poet John Greenleaf Whittier called it “a horror of great darkness.” |
Some of you are probably a little shocked right now. Some of you may have always believed this day was still to arrive. Don't let that bother you though, you found out today, just as the Lord had planned for some of you. The enemy has been very cunning in his ability to hide the truth from many people for thousands of years. Today's time is no exception, as a matter of fact, today is more likely to be a conglomerate of confusing demonic lying attacks on the truth mainly because "...the devil is come down... having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. " [Revelation 12:12] So expect the worse people. Absolutely every aspect of battle, every scrap of lying wonders, is being showered on mankind with such density that it boggles the mind.
I have noticed something a bit obvious though. The enemy has a tendency to always show his hand. Take for example, the fact that so many people have trouble believing in Jesus today. The devil has geared his attack directly upon faith in Jesus! How obvious is that, I ask? One can actually find the truth by merely looking at what threatens the devil the most! It's truly become that obvious, and rightly so. It's the end times and the devil knows his time is short. Certain aspects of his attack are being exposed mainly because so many have fallen for his lies that their hidden agendas are bound to leak out and become visible to all. I am not alone in this either. Many have noticed the signs and have realized this proves the enemy knows his time is extremely short. It is easily noticed by watching the way mankind has played the trends as well.
Let me explain... In the 50's we had greasers and Fonzie types as a method of sin exploration. In the 60's we had the beatniks. In the 70's we had the hippies and free love. In the 80's it was the leisure suit clad Disco scene that enticed many into a world of sin. But look at the 90's and later. Every single method of the past is back! They are all playing out all at the same time, including some new decadent trends as well. It's almost as if the enemy is saying... "I had them dying on a daily basis using these methods in the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's. Why not get them to recall the trends of the past in one last hoorah before game over!" It's a fact people! Visit any big city and you will see people emulating trends of the 50's through the 90's all at the same time! These young people (and old alike) are seeking an answer to their inner self in places that are extremely deadly. The devil has convinced them that they have found themselves and need not look to the Bible for the answer. It's so sad and even ironic. They are searching for peace, and the very things that can give them peace is what they avoid at all costs!
- Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"
- Joel 2:31 "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come."
The moon was at it's full, and had the appearance
of blood. Stone's History of Massachusetts
"There was an appearance of midnight at noonday,"
and in the evening, although the moon was just past full, "perhaps it was
never darker since the children of Israel left the house of bondage." In
connection with this extraordinary phenomenon the moon was reported
to appear red. (Letter signed "Viator" in the Independent Chronical
[Boston], May 25, 1780, p.2; see also the Pennsylvania Evening Post
[Philadelphia], June 6, 1780, p. 62)
Is this not awesome? The prophecy states that the moon will not give her light. Then Joel confirms it is an authentic prophetic event by telling us it's because it appears as blood. Then many hundreds of years later after Christ declares this prophetic event for us in Matthew 24, we see it recorded as fact in the newspapers and media of the day that the moon had in fact the appearance of blood on a dark and sunless day!
- Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"
An eyewitness reported "This language of the
prophet has always been received as metaphorical. Yesterday it was literally
fulfilled,... as no man before yesterday had conceived to be possible
that it should be fulfilled... Were I to hunt through nature for a simile,
I could not find one so apt to illustrate the appearance of the heavens
as that which St. John uses in the prophecy... They were what the world
understands by the name of "Falling Stars" -Eyewitness account in
the New York Journal of Commerce, vol.8, no.534, Saturday, Nov 16,1833
"The morning of November 13th, 1833," says an
eyewitness, a Yale astronomer, "was rendered memorable by an exhibition
of the phenomenon called shooting stars, which was probably more
extensive and magnificent than any similar one hitherto recorded... Probably
no celestial phenomenon has ever occurred in this country since its first
settlement, which was viewed with so much admiration and delight
by one class of spectators, or with so much astonishment and fear
by another class." -DENISON OLMSTED in The American Journal of Science
and Arts, vol. 25 (1834), pp. 363, 364
"From the Gulf of Mexico to Halifax, until daylight with some difficulty put an end to the display, the sky was scored in every direction with shining tracks and illuminated with majestic fireballs. At Boston, the frequency of meteors was estimated to be about half that of flakes of snow in an average snowstorm... Traced backwards, their paths were invariably found to converge to a point in the constellation Leo." -AGNES M. CLEREKE, A Popular History of Astronomy (1885 ed.), pp. 369, 370. Frederick Douglas, in reminiscing about his early days of slavery, says: "I witnessed this gorgeous spectacle, and was awe-struck. The air seemed filled with bright messengers from the sky... I was not without the suggestion at the moment that it might be the harbringer of the coming of the Son of Man; and in my then state of mind I was prepared to hail Him as my friend and deliverer. I had read that "the stars shall fall from heaven, and they were now falling." -Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1941 ed.), p.117. |
The devil has indeed been very busy hiding these historical facts for very obvious reasons. Had I known of these prophetic events in my youth when I was reading those government altered history books, I would have been searching the Scriptures a lot sooner than the ripe old age of 27. Did you notice this statement from the article describing the falling stars? It described the spectacle by saying it, "was viewed with so much admiration and delight by one class of spectators, or with so much astonishment and fear by another class" What an awesome preamble to that great and terrible day of our Lord. Some will embrace the day and proclaim with delight... "Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us:..." [Isaiah 25:9] And still others will cry out to the mountains and rocks in fear... "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb" [Revelation 6:16]
There is one more prophecy that is in connection with the previous three...
- Revelation 6:12 "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;"
A great earthquake? How great? Greater than San Franciso? Greater than Mexico City? And will it really occur before The remarkable Dark Day of May 19, 1780? Well, 25 years BEFORE "the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;" There was an earthquake of the greatest magnitude ever recorded in history of man!
"The Lisbon Earthquake, which occurred on November
1, 1755, is the most notable earthquake in history." -Nelson's
New Loose-leaf Encyclopedia (Book Productions Industries Inc.), art.
Says Sir Charles Lyell, "A violent shock threw
down the greater part of the city. In the course of about six minutes,
60,000 persons perished. The sea first retired and laid the bar dry;
it then rolled in, rising 50 feet or more above its ordinary level...
The area over which this convulsion extended is very remarkable."
-Principles of Geology (11th ed., 1872), vol. 2, pp. 147, 148.
Encyclopedia Britannica (1945) estimates the deaths at a lower figure, but says the effects of the quake were felt from Scotland to Asia Minor and the distinctive feature of the Lisbon Earthquake was the agitation of inland lakes and streams far beyond the disturbed area -For instance, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, Sweden, and Norway felt the effects. (Articles "Lisbon" and "Earthquakes".)
NOTE.—This doubtless
refers to the great earthquake of November 1, 1755, commonly known as the Lisbon
earthquake, the effects of which were felt over an area of 4,000,000 square
miles. Lisbon, Portugal, a city containing 150,000 inhabitants, was almost
entirely destroyed. The shock of the earthquake, says Mr. Sears, in his of the
World," page 200, "was instantly followed by the fall of every church and
convent, almost all the large public buildings, and one-fourth of the houses. In
about two hours afterward, fires broke out in different quarters, and raged with
such violence for the space of nearly three days that the city was completely
desolated. The earthquake happened on a holy day, when the churches and convents
were full of people, very few of whom escaped. . . . The terror of the people
was beyond description. Nobody wept: it was beyond tears. They ran hither and
thither, delirious with horror and astonishment, beating their faces and
breasts, crying, 'Misericordia! the world's at an end!'. Mothers forgot
their children, and ran about loaded with crucifixed images. Unfortunately, many
ran to the churches for protection; but in vain was the sacrament exposed; in
vain did the poor creatures embrace the altars; images, priests, and people were
buried in one common ruin. . . . Ninety thousand persons are supposed to have
been lost on that fatal day." -brief bible readings for the Home
The six prophecies I just shared must occur so as to proclaim the nearness of our Lord Jesus Christ's second coming. However, the next list of prophecies have to do with the VERY LAST DAYS before Jesus returns. These prophecies will actually answer the following two questions...
- James 5:4,8 "Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord... 8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh."
After the Civil War, industrialization proceeded
at a rapid pace; as the number of industrial workers grew, they began to
conduct strikes with increasing frequency... Among the most
bitterly contested strikes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were
those conducted by steel workers in 1892; by bituminous-coal miners in
1894 and 1897 and anthracite-coal miners in 1900 and 1902; and by employees
of the Pullman Car Company in 1894. Many of these strikes were marked by
major outbreaks of violence; in the Pullman strike, for example, President
Grover Cleveland sent U.S. Army troops to the scene to quell the rioting.
-"Strike," Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright (c) 1994 Funk & Wagnall's Corporation.
The use by the employer of armed guards or of police, either to harass pickets or to protect strikebreakers, often resulted in violence. The 1960s and 70s witnessed a growing number of strikes by public employees, notably teachers, municipal workers, policemen, and firemen. The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia is licensed from Columbia University Press. Copyright © 1989, 1991 by Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. |
- James 5:3-4, "Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth."
- 1 Timothy 5:18, "For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward."
- Matthew 24:6,7, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."
Dates of declaration of War by principal countries: Austria-Hungary on Serbia, July 28, 1914; Germany on Russia, Aug. 1, 1914; Germany on France, Aug. 3, 1914; Britain on Germany, Aug. 4, 1914; France on Austria-Hungary, Aug. 11, 1914; Britain on Austria-Hungary, Aug. 12, 1914; Italy on Austria, May 23, 1915; Bulgaria on Serbia, Oct. 15, 1915; Italy on Bulgaria, Oct. 19, 1914; Germany on Portugal, Mar. 9, 1916; Italy on Germany, Aug. 27, 1916; Rumania on Austria-Hungary, Aug. 27, 1916; Germany on Rumania, Aug 29, 1916; Turkey on Rumania, Aug. 30, 1916; Bulgaria on Rumania, Sept. 1, 1916; Greece (Provisional Government) on Germany and Bulgaria, Nov. 23, 1916; U.S. on Germany, Apr. 6, 1917; U.S. on Austria-Hungary, Dec. 7, 1917. -Time Magazine "The War... What did the World Gain?" August 4, 1924 Excerpt ~ The American Legion Weekly |
Did you also notice the lapse of time was less than three years for all these declarations of war to come about? From July of 1914 to December of 1917, there were 18 declarations of WAR between nations! If I were to ask ten people of different age groups and ethnic backgrounds alive today to tell me how many wars they remember in their lifetime, I would be one busy little camper listening to all the wars that have occurred in the last few decades alone. And that's just the wars we as Americans know about. Many nations around the world are at war as we speak, yet do we hear much about them? No, only rumors. The powers that be find it far more necessary to hide certain truths from us, rather than spill the beans as to just how many people are dying on a daily basis due to war. Everywhere you look, you either hear or read about one nation rising against another nation. This is so prophetically accurate it boggles the mind how so many Christians ignore it. I suggest everyone try keeping a list of all the wars that you read about in the daily newspaper for just one year. You will be absolutely amazed at the amount of bloodshed occurring all around us today. I also recommend this website, On it you will find a rather extensive atlas of all the wars recorded in the twentieth century. It seems that some nations are actually going to war essentially for economic gain, and I truly believe this is a fact in some cases
I recall as a youth in high school in my history class,we would have debates as actual governments to learn governmental policy. Our teacher thought it would be good to learn the inner workings of governing nations. It was normal procedure from what we learned in the history books, and our frequent debates, that we did in fact have to declare war at times to save the economy of a particular nation! The nation would be financially built up by the production of arms for another. Or jobs were created within a warring nation to manufacture arms for the nations fighting military. There were other "benefits" to war as well, but I'm sure you get what I mean. Truth is, it is indeed very big business in today's world to manufacture products that are built solely for the use of fatally shredding human flesh beyond all possible recognition.
More money is spent today on armaments and
defense than ever before in the history of the world. A World in Turmoil
Discoveries in Prophecy Mark A. Finley 1995
Defense expenditure 1990 estimates
This leads us directly into the next prophecy that Jesus said must occur in the VERY LAST DAYS before His triumphant second coming.
- Luke 21:25,26 "...distress of nations, with perplexity;... 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth"
U.S. News and World Report, in it's March
16, 1992 issue, reported that THREE nuclear weapons from Azerbaijan, the
Muslim state of the Soviet Union, had "disappeared"? Russian
nuclear specialists had shown up in Teheran, and those three missing
nuclear weapons had actually been sold by the cash-starved Soviets to IRAN!
U.S. News and World Report, Covering a meeting of NATO leaders, Reported that THREE MORE nuclear weapons had disappeared from Soviet arsenals... and they knew that they had also been sold to third world countries! C.E.M. Joad, a Cambridge University Scholar once said..."There has never been a weapon made that hasn't been used." According to a report in the Arabic newspaper al-Hayat, Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network bought tactical nuclear weapons from Ukraine in 1998. The report says the terrorists still have the "suitcase nuke" weapons and are storing them in safe places for possible use. Feb 8, 2004 |
No longer are the Soviets guarding their enormous stash of nuclear weaponry. No, they are open for business to the highest bidder all for the oldest reason in the book, "The almighty dollar!" Back in the early 90's the Soviets were once again starving as in 1917. The only difference now is they have a product to sell. The oil rich countries are walking up and down the Soviets Nuclear Shopping Centers waving massive amounts of cash, and the starving Soviets were taking every opportunity that comes their way to get out of debt. Even if it means selling nuclear warheads to crazed Arab Sheiks with an attitude problem. Am I saying we are in for a worldwide nuclear holocaust? No I am not! The Bible does not say that, and I will not preach lies. The Bible does say however...
- Revelation 11:18 "And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth."
One more interesting fact in His Word on this subject should be noted...
- Luke 21:28 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
- 1 Thessalonians 5:2,3 says, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape"
The Word of God is sure and trustworthy. Mankind will actually be working on a worldwide plan for peace, and then Jesus will return to take His Bride, the TRUE remnant church. And by the way. Before moving unto the next prophecy, I would like to make it known that this fear is not limited to governments alone. The people of this world are right now proving this prophecy fulfilled.
Take everyday life in this nation alone. Have you ever feared death from a stray bullet in a drive by shooting? Many people do on a daily basis in the cities of this nation. There is even some degree of fear for those of us with a mere headache because of the Tylenol poisonings of a few years back. Our own children must deal with fear in many degrees by just going to school. Will they be pressured by a bigger kid into taking drugs? Will one of their teachers molest them? No longer is the classroom bully a mere childhood fact of growing up for some. Now the class bully is a gun carrying lunatic with no regard for human life. Plus with the recent exposure of the largest well known organized group of homosexual child molesters, children the world over have to fear being raped by Roman Catholic priests now. Not to mention their parents always having the ever present thought that, is that priest endangering my child? There is even fear in traveling to the corner market in our family cars. Will we die in a head-on collision by a drunk who crosses into our lane doing 90, or will we become part of a hostage situation once we get to the corner market because some crazed manic depressive doesn't have the money to buy his children Christmas presents? This prophecy is easy to be seen as fulfilled. IT IS PLAINLY PROPHESIED... "that in the last days perilous times shall come." 2Timothy 3:1 And so they have!
- Daniel 12:4 "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."
Have you ever read some of the "Science" or "Mechanic" magazines? Some pretty remarkable inventions are coming to our market every month! Not only has this "Increase in knowledge" affected our technology. We have now come to a full understanding of the prophecies that were "...Sealed ... even to the time of the end..." in the book of Daniel. Revelation chapter 10 confirms that perfectly.
With that in mind, I ask, what about those Christians of old that never saw these day by day marvels. Would they look upon these leaps of science with the same mediocrity as we do? I think not. I think they knew exactly what was beginning to happen back when the end times began, and the knowledge started to show absolute signs of increase. As a matter of historic fact, they really did notice what was going on...
"A wheel turned no faster in Hannibal's time
than it did in George Washington's. It took just as long to cultivate a
wheat field in Egypt in 5000 B.C. as it did anywhere at the turn of the
nineteenth century... The speed of technological change was almost as slow
as that of life itself. Then suddenly, with the utilization of steam
and electricity more changes were made in technology in two generations
than in all the thousands of years of previous human history put together.
Wheels and machines turned so fast that man could cover more distances
in one day than he used to be able to do in a lifetime." -NORMAN COUSINS,
Modern Man is Obsolete (1945 ed.), pp. 15,16. Viking Press, Inc., New York.
"The technological conditions of human life had
changed faster between 1800 and 1919 than in the preceding 2,000 years
-one might perhaps say 3,000 years." -LUCIEN PRICE, Between Two
Wars," chap.2 in Religion in the Post-War World, vol.2, p.22. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1945.
The 20th Century a characteristically unique time in history--the headlong, accelerating growth of scientific knowledge. The curve of knowledge is exponential, growing steeper like the curve of squares (1--4--9--16--36--49...). It has changed men's lives more in the past 20 years than in the previous 50; more in that 50 years than in the previous 2000. Man cannot, dare not stop its growth, though he does not know where it is taking him. -Time magazine "Steep Curve to Level Four" Jan 2 1950 |
1803 Fulton's first steamboat 1811 Power printing press 1825 Steam Railway 1831 Mower and reaper 1836 Electric telegraph 1839 Vulcanized rubber 1839 Photography 1846 Anesthesia 1846 Sewing Machine 1856 Bessemer steel 1861 Machine gun 1862 Ironclad war vessel 1864 Typewriter 1864 Pasteur's germ theory 1869 Air brake 1876 Telephone 1877 Phonograph 1879 Electric railway 1879 Incandescent electric light 1883 Gasoline engine 1884 Steam turbine 1885 Linotype 1892 Automobile 1893 Motion pictures 1895 X-ray 1895 Wireless telegraphy 1898 Radium 1902 Wireless Telephony 1903 First piloted airplane 1920 First broadcasting 1922 Insulin 1936 Television broadcasting 1937 Jet turbine 1938 Penicillin 1938 Shipboard radar 1945 Atomic bomb 1946 Electronic Digital Computer |
1947 Holographic Technology
1948 Transistors 1949 Ramjet Airplane 1950 Color Television 1952 Bubble Chamber (Nuclear Particle Detector) 1954 Solar Battery 1954 Polio Vaccine 1955 Synthetic Diamonds 1956 Hovercraft 1956 Rotary Engine (Prototype) 1956 Video Tape 1957 Sodium-cooled Atomic Reactor 1958 Communication Satellites 1959 Integrated Circuit 1960 Laser Technology 1960 Birth Control Pill 1962 LED (Light Emitting Diode) 1964 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 1966 Artificial Heart (Left Ventricle) 1970 First Complete Synthesis of a Gene 1971 Microprocessor 1971 MRI (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 1972 Pocket Electronic Calculator 1973 Skylab (Orbiting Space Laboratory) 1974 Recombinant DNA (Genetic Engineering) 1975 CAT Scanner 1975 Fiber optics 1976 Super Computers 1978 Synthesis of Human Insulin Gene 1978 Mammal to Mammal Gene Transplant 1978 Jarvik-7 (Artificial Heart) 1979 Compact Disc 1979 DNA Repair (In Mice) 1981 Space Transportation (Shuttle) 1983 Scanning Tunneling Microscope 1986 High Temp Superconductors |
Man landing on the moon... The Helicopter...The Russian space station Mir... Sonar technology
Ultra sound technology... Infrared technology... Herrier Aircraft... Open heart surgery
Organ transplants...Virtual reality... Robotic Automation... The World Wide Web... Holographic technology
The list is truly endless of the amount of inventions that have occurred due to this prophecy coming to light in our day. There have been more documented breakthroughs in science since the year 1803 then there has been in all the previous 5,800 years of recorded history. And as I said before. It's not just technological breakthroughs either. There are now more people walking this earth that have a much greater knowledge of not only the Scriptures themselves, the prophecies of the Word, as well as the symbols in the prophetic Word are understood by far more now than ever before in the History of mankind. For it is plainly penned in Daniel 12:4 that at "the time of the end: ... knowledge shall be increased"
One other important note many miss is this. Daniel also says this...
- Daniel 7:23 "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces."
- 2 Peter 3:3 "...there shall come in the last days scoffers..."
- 2 Timothy 4:3,4 "...they will not endure sound doctrine; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
Scoffers are everywhere you look. Try getting into a conversation with a friend in a store, on a train, or a crowded elevator about Jesus and prophecy and see how boldly the scoffer will step up. I am very serious about that. Try it! It is indeed an opportunity to preach, however limited, it is still an opportunity. The bold scoffer will always seek an opportunity to attack Scripture simply out of fear that it may be right. So they will try to get as many in their camp as possible, even if it's only a few people close by that they will never meet again in life. They need this acceptance of error so as to ok their own sin. Have you ever heard the old saying, "misery loves company?"
So be prepared, they will attack with a fervor. But, don't get rattled, stay in the Word, and have your research and bible facts well memorized. And don't let them change the topic you are on. They are the ones that invaded your conversation, so control it. Every time I tried this with a friend, the one that steps up ends up being blessed with facts he or she never knew. Some accept it, some don't. But those listening on are blessed no matter what. It's kinda like having your own mini soapbox to stand on for a few moments.
When it comes to the prophecy about the people of the world not enduring sound doctrine, this is evident in all denominations worldwide. We see this played out in many areas of life. The media, religious leaders, and teachers are openly and quite boldly denying plain teachings in the Bible. In fact, a poll taken by the "Pittsburgh Press" on Sept. 24th 1977, revealed that only 2% of American student ministers actually believe in the second coming of Jesus! That was way back in the 70's! These "students" are Pastors, and Teachers TODAY!
To illustrate this fact of life, I would like to share a few documented examples of sound doctrine being denied with you. Please keep in mind that I am not slamming any one denomination. I am merely trying to illustrate the fact that no denomination is totally safe from the cunning infiltrating attacks of the devil, if left unchecked!
"Couple's suicide means $10 million for
"They were taking the high road to death," said their former pastor, Charles Heuser. ...their will specified their money to go to the United Church of Christ Organizations. -Dec. 1994 Daily Southtown Minneapolis |
"Bernardin and the Jews"
Cardinal Bernardin's (Catholic) lecture at Hebrew
University: RE: Statements on the verse, John 8:44 Bernardin remarks: "These
statements can no longer be taught as authentic doctrine or used as catechesis
by contemporary Christianity and can no longer be regarded as definitive
teaching. Christians no longer may believe that the words that the Jews
are the children of the devil are words Jesus actually said or are the
revealed word of God." Sunday April 9 1995 Daily Southtown Opinion
section p.1 / Article By ~ANDREW M. GREELEY
- Malachi 3:6 "For I am the LORD, I change not... "
- Psalms 89:34 "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips."
- Isaiah 48:5
declares boldly that, "I have even from the beginning declared it
to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest
say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image,
hath commanded them."
"Small town mourns 10 year olds death"
(this child was murdered)
Rev. Richard White a United Methodist pastor said;
"There may be things that even God can't control" Aug 16
1995 Danville Commercial News p. 1
For this pastor to make a statement like this is granting all those within earshot that God Almighty is in no way as mighty as His Word declares. It's lies like this that are peppered all throughout the media, in books, in video tapes, in casual conversations, on the TV or radio, in fact in all aspects of life. Satan has been advertising this type of lie since the garden of Eden and he obviously has no intention of stopping now. Is it any wonder this next article comes into existence?
"Presbyterian Church "backs" Jack Kevorkian"Jan. 30 1994 -Reported on... Chicago Television
News Chan. 2,5,7, & 9
Jack Kevorkian attended another suicide
Sunday evening, that of a 71-year old psychiatrist who was suffering from
colon cancer, said Geoffrey Fieger, Kevorkian's attorney... ...Kevorkian
has acknowledged attending 41 deaths, including Sunday's, since
he began his assisted-suicide crusade in 1990. Chicago Suntimes
Monday, September 30, 1996 p. 23
Pope John Paul II states that evolution
is scientifically sound
10-24-96 Channel 18 News and every other
channel or newspaper on the planet!
Did you notice how the media handled this statement by Pope John Paul II back then? Did you notice the excessive coverage it received to ensure that everyone everywhere on earth heard what this so called "trustworthy" religious leader said? This excessive airtime was no mistake people. The prophecy states that many will not endure sound doctrine and so many must be convinced to do so! The Pope and his media minions will do all they can to ensure their lies are proclaimed globally!
It is heart wrenching just thinking about all the poor souls out there that believe every word this Pope says. They put their faith in the flesh and the un-sound doctrine of a fallible man that has the power to deceive BILLIONS!
If that wasn't shocking enough, on December 8, 2000 this very same Pope declared to all the world that Jesus Christ is no longer needed to gain Heaven. And then on August 12, 2002 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops repeated his lies to all the World when they declared that all Roman Catholics must now cease in their evangelistic methods aimed towards their Jewish neighbors. The entire collection of U.S. Bishops authorized the statement that Jews are guaranteed Heaven without accepting Jesus, and then publicized it in conjunction with the National Council of Synagogues for all the world to see how serious they were concerning this matter. You can verify all these facts and more on my page entitled, "Rome says Jesus not needed" in the Catholicism exposed section of the website.
One more point I want to make clear regarding this prophecy is this. The Prophecy states that in these last days men will not endure sound doctrine. On this website you will find a page titled, "The Passion of the Antichrist," On this page you will see proof that the people of this world that claim to embrace Christ as Lord are already openly showing signs of accepting unsound doctrine. Men of God in fact claim the blasphemous film of Mel Gibson about the "Passion of the Christ" is a work of true Biblical jurisprudence. Yet the film is packed with open lies, twisted Scriptures, and Roman Catholic mysticism. See here just a few comments regarding this evil film...
“I don't think they would
be well-founded criticisms because all the material
in the film comes directly from the Gospel accounts.
There's nothing in the film that doesn't come from the
Gospel accounts. So, if they're critical of the film,
they would be critical of the Gospel.” – Archbishop
John Foley, President, Pontifical Council for Social
Communications, The Vatican “It is an accurate account of Jesus' real sufferings for the sins of the whole world. This is not a film anyone should miss.” - Dr. Robert Schuller, Crystal Cathedral / Hour of Power “The film is extremely true to the biblical narrative, to the point of using Aramaic dialogue with English subtitles." - Lincoln E. Steed, associate director of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department of the North American Division of SDAs and editor of “Liberty” magazine. "We all thought it was a magnificent work. There's really nothing like it. It's true to the Bible. The faith we've all had comes alive." – Pat Robertson |
Because of the graphic fulfillment of this prophecy, and because our religious leaders the world over have broken down and decided to ignore the Truth in God's Word, we can easily understand why the next prophecy was imminent in its coming.
Is it any wonder? Is it unexpected? Is this not fulfilled as well? We look to our religious leaders for spiritual and moral direction, and instead we see knock kneed Men of God telling us it's ok to sin so we don't stop tithing or donating to their church. It's almost as if they are saying to themselves... "If it's an unpopular sermon, DON'T PREACH IT!" It seems they will only preach wealth and prosperity today mainly because that's all the American church going public wants to hear. And when you view the TV preachers, you see this is the case.
- 2 Timothy 3:1-5 "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
Of course, it's not only the issue of abortion. Our government is doing many things within the federal, state, and local branches that the majority of the population is unaware of. Take for example the following article that exposes something hidden from the eyes of the American people for six straight years!...
Six-year-old motion alleged crack, CIA
Los Angeles (AP) A court motion filed six years
ago alleged that sheriff's deputies turned up a link between the CIA
and drug dealers in Los Angeles... However, evidence of that link mysteriously
disappeared from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department...
...although the motion was publicly reported at the time, a judge placed a gag order on the case and ordered lawyers not to discuss the alleged CIA connection... the CIA funneled profits from domestic sales of crack cocaine to a group of Nicaraguan Contra rebels... Officers discovered... that drug money was being used to purchase military equipment for Central America... The deputies booked property they had seized as evidence, but federal agents later removed it. Mysteriously, all records of the search, seizure and property also "disappeared" from the Sheriff's Department. Champaign News Gazzette Sept. 29, 1996 p. A-12 |
Kind of makes you wonder if anything is going on now, doesn't it? And even though this is made known, do you see anyone being punished for this? Keep in mind, this surfaced in 1996! Yet, still, we have an office of the CIA still in effect in Washington D.C.! And again, it's not just the governing entities of our land. It's also the religious leaders running amuck as well. Look at the articles below and ask the same question once again... "Where are our religious leaders?" Is the message still 'If it feels good, do it"? Are the preachers of today proclaiming that if it feels right it must be right?
"Bible group gets to the naked truth"
"Living up to the Genesis verse... naked and not ashamed Christian nudists are planning a weekend retreat of hot-tubbing, karaoke, and reading Bibles in the buff... Jerry Love (Methodist) and his wife Carol (Baptist) have already booked 60 reservations from around the country" Feb. 20 1996 Danville Commercial News - Ocean Isle Beach, N.C. (AP) |
That's what I love so much about the Word of God. It actually proves these type of lies to be just that, LIES that were spoken by the devil to people that seek answers in every place BUT the Bible. Had they sought out the truth found in His Word, they would know they're in sin and how to be saved from it.
~Before Adam & Eve sinned~
- Genesis 2:25 "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."
- Genesis 3:6,7 "...she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons."
Holy nudity A priest gets in trouble for posing naked in support of charity. By Jack Boulware -Salon News Jan. 17, 2001 | At the time, it sounded like a good idea to Father Olan Rynn. The project was a calendar, the sales of which would raise funds for child cancer and cerebral palsy. A young mother in Galway, Ireland, came up with the idea, based on another charity calendar in the U.K. Celebrities throughout Galway had agreed to pose for the project, including several athletes, a gynecologist and the proprietor of a bookshop. The sole stipulation was that each had to appear naked. The 28-year-old Rynn said, "Oh sure, why not?" and had his photo taken while sitting ..naked in a wing chair with legs crossed, wearing only his Roman collar, and a Bible ... |
Back in March of 1999
both CNN and Weekend News Today reported the following.
This is an excerpt from BOTH identical articles... "They showed one video Wednesday: MTV-paced, digitally doctored, rapid-fire cuts of John Paul embracing children, strolling mountains and dunes, greeting the faithful, appearing pensive, all to an orchestral background. The spirit of the video is upbeat and warm, although there's a jarring moment in which a man and woman appear in profile - naked or near enough to count as such, for the few seconds they show. ``Abba Pater'' - one of the cuts on the CD as well as the title - is the Aramaic and Latin for ``Father.' |
"OakLawn Bed Racers a nightmare to riders"
"The fund-raising event, sponsored by the Catholic organization, Knights of Columbus in OakLawn, drew participants from local bars, businesses and organizations" Aug 11 1994 Daily Southtown Your Town section p.1 |
John Lennon's song "Imagine" piped
in to start global UN meeting Jan 1 1993 (This song depicts a world with
"No God above us... hell below us...")
February 1993 ~Europe
"Euthanasia (Doctor assisted Suicide) legalized"
Euthanasia Legal, Landmark Dutch Law Enters Force March 31, 2000 AMSTERDAM - (Reuters) - Euthanasia became legal in the Netherlands Monday, the first country to permit mercy killing for the hopelessly ill who are desperate to die. French Health Minister Bernard Kouchner, a trained doctor, said last year he would use the Dutch decision to press for the legalization of euthanasia in France, and has confessed to performing mercy killings himself in Vietnam and Lebanon. Debate is also raging in Australia -- whose Northern Territory became the first place in the world to legalize euthanasia in 1996 but saw the law overturned after nine months |
Sad thing here is, when I was doing research for this article I found a LOT of articles showing dozens of places around the world that are right now lobbying to pass laws to allow physician assisted suicides. Is this not even more evidence doctors do not take on this profession to help people? They seek the money and money alone? For it is written in the Hippocratic Oath by the so called Father of Medicine' Greek Physician Hippocrates, "I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel."
If doctors today were more concerned with their patients lives, instead of their patients bank accounts we would see far less of such idiocy. Perhaps someone needs to inform the doctors of today who the first advocate for "mercy killings" was according to history...
1939 Nazi Germany (From "The History Place" web site)
"In October of 1939 amid the turmoil of the outbreak of war Hitler ordered widespread "mercy killing" of the sick and disabled. Code named "Aktion T 4," the Nazi euthanasia program to eliminate "life unworthy of life" at first focused on newborns and very young children. Midwives and doctors were required to register children up to age three who showed symptoms of mental retardation, physical deformity, or other symptoms included on a questionnaire from the Reich Health Ministry." "The Nazi euthanasia program quickly expanded to include older disabled children and adults. Hitler's decree of October, 1939, typed on his personal stationery and back dated to Sept. 1, enlarged 'the authority of certain physicians to be designated by name in such manner that persons who, according to human judgment, are incurable can, upon a most careful diagnosis of their condition of sickness, be accorded a mercy death.'" |
UN law (Article 28)
To jail parents practicing spanking April/May
1993 The Teaching Home p. 37
Not something nations will fall for you say? Iceland bans spankingBy Peter Newell, Co-ordinator, EPOCH WORLDWIDE April 8, 2003 Iceland joins states offering children legal protection from all corporal punishment . In March 2003, the Icelandic government passed a new Children’s Act which completes the process of total abolition of corporal punishment of children by making it unlawful in the home. Article 28 of the new Act states: “It is the parents obligation to protect their child against any physical or mental violence and other degrading or humiliating behaviour”. This is interpreted by government and by the Ombudsman for Children as explicitly prohibiting corporal punishment by parents, and is supported by provisions in the 2002 Child Protection Act which had already placed an obligation on parents “to treat their children with care and consideration”, and “to safeguard their welfare at all times”. The new law will enter into effect on November 1 2003. Make special note to listen to how vague the following words are penned in this article.... There is no legal defence available to parents who use corporal punishment, although there is a right to use physical restraint as an emergency measure when an individual is in danger of injuring himself or others. Cases of corporal punishment may come within the scope of the Child Protection Act (2002), which orders imprisonment ‘if those who have a child in their care mistreat the child mentally or physically, abuse him/her sexually or otherwise, or neglect the child mentally or physically, so that the child’s life or health is at risk” (Article 98) and for “any person who inflicts punishments, threats or menaces upon a child, that may be expected to harm the child physically or mentally” (Article 99), and imprisonment or fines for “any person who subjects a child to aggressive, abusive or indecent behaviour or hurts or insults him/her” (Article 99). United Nations Rules Canada Should Ban Spanking© 2003 10-10-3 A United Nations committee has ruled Canada should bar parents from spanking their children. As a signatory of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Canada is obligated to make periodic appearances before the U.N.'s Committee on Rights of the Child, which said the country should "adopt legislation to remove the existing authorization of the use of 'reasonable force' in disciplining children," the National Post reported. The U.N. body says Canada should "explicitly prohibit all forms of violence against children, however light, within the family, in schools and in other institutions where children might be placed." |
- Proverbs 13:24, "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."
- Proverbs 22:15 "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him."
- Proverbs 23:13 "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
- Proverbs 23:14 "Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."
Immorality is everywhere we look. It's piped into our homes almost every second with the help of the one eyed monster we formally call the television. Cartoons for children are absolutely loaded with symbols of witchcraft and half naked male and female super-hero's. The talk shows are constantly airing dirty laundry that should be kept in the gutters and sewers rather than before the eyes of prime time audiences. Even the so-called safe morning programs are spewing out filth like a garbage scow.
Case in point.. .On October 31, 1996 (Halloween) I witnessed the so called "safe" Today Show hold a Halloween costume contest. The winners were three homosexual men dressed as Biblical evil women! One of them even had a very lifelike head of John the Baptist on a silver platter garnished like a gourmet meal! Is this what we have come to? Is this normal behavior for a so called Christian nation? I cannot believe that people can actually toy with the Bible like it's a collection of suggested party favors! No one's taking anything serious any longer. People are running rampant and trying to live every second like it's their last. Hmmmmmm, I wonder where they got that paranoia from? Also... with this live for the moment attitude, is it any wonder marriages don't last?
In the United States in 1870, there was one divorce
for every thirty four marriages. In 1900, one divorce for
every twelve marriages. In 1930, one divorce for every six
marriages. From 1978 to today, one divorce for every two
marriages! Discoveries in Prophecy, A World in Turmoil Mark A. Finley
p. 7
- 9-26-96 House of Representatives: Partial Birth Abortion voted to continue on as an accepted normal procedure for time being.
- 10-04-96 Channel 15 News Reports... Moderate drinking will help you live longer than non-drinkers
- 10-08-96 CNN News, Arizona & Chgo Tribune Oct. 13, 1996 Section 1. p.3 ... Thanks to Proposition #215, If you have a Municipal Tax Sticker on your cellophane bag of marijuana you can openly and legally smoke or sell it!
- 10-27-96 CBN News Four sisters ages 12 thru 24, hanged themselves because they didn't have enough money in their dowry's!
- 10-14-96 CBN News... Mandatory seminar in a Boston Mass. High School on Sexual education. The homework assignment was to go home and masturbate!
NBC DATELINE 6-29-98 @ 9:00pm
REPORTS: Roman Catholic Church / School in Ft. Lauderdale Florida expelled all the children from the family of Mr & Mrs Anderson as well as excommunicate the Anderson's from the Roman catholic church. Why? The Andersons did not want their Church to teach their children the aspects of "Masturbation & Homosexuality" in their school curriculum along with other very objectional materials. The Andersons have tried for three years to get them to stop. They even tried holding a prayer vigil on the property of the Church. Their Roman catholic Church had the police remove them from the property for praying. The Andersons are actually very devout Catholics. Mr and Mrs Anderson even participated in the Mass as Eucharistic ministers. And this is how they are treated because they choose not to allow their children to be taught things that sinful and very disgusting. |
- 12-04-96 every News channel!... Judge Kevin Chang of the Hawaii Circuit Court, legalizes same sex marriages!
- 2 Timothy 3:1-5 "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
- Genesis 6:5 "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
Sounds like today's world to me!
It's actually hard to find a "true"
Christian today. Minister Joe Wright put it very plainly in his starting prayer
before the Kansas Senate...
When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open
the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual
generalities, but this is what they heard:
"Heavenly Father, we come before you today
to ask Your forgiveness and to seek Your direction and guidance. We know Your
Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good" but that is exactly what we have
done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We
confess that. We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it
Pluralism; We have worshiped other gods and called it multiculturalism; We have
endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle; We have exploited the
poor and called it the lottery; We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare;
We have killed our unborn and called it choice; We have shot abortionists and
called it justifiable; We have neglected to discipline our children and called
it building self-esteem; We have abused power and called it politics; We have
coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition; We have polluted the
air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression; We have
ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it
Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts
today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and
women who have been sent to direct us to the center of Your will, we ask it in
the name of Your Son, the living Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The response was immediate. A number of
legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, there
were logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding
negatively. The church is now receiving international requests for copies of
this prayer from India, Africa, and Korea. Commentator Paul Harvey aired this
prayer on the radio and received a larger
response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's
help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our
desire so that we again can be called one nation under God.
- Romans 13:1, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."
According to the Word
of God, these men and women in our government, on both the federal and local
HAVE BEEN CREATED TO BE OUR LEADERS! So, we must ALL pray for them. They have
been ordained by our God to stand in the positions they stand in. Pray that they
have the wisdom to do exactly as they have been created to do. And remember,
some WILL continue to do evil, just as sure as some will continue to do good.
As we all know, there have already been
laws enacted that go directly against the will of the Creator God. Many of them
were mentioned in that prayer. As Christians we are aware that even though
our government says it is "ok" to kill a baby, or it's ok to drink alcohol, we
must not allow the "laws of the land" to undermine, or go against, the Law of
our God. So, remember, even though our government may say it is ok to sin, we know
better simply because we have the Creator's Word on it. And as Christians, we
must not allow the legalization of sin to draw us away from our Creator. Stand
firm in the Lord, and stand firm as an American. However, when the laws of the
land go against the Law of the Lord. Remember. "For the leaders of this people cause
them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."- Isaiah
9:16 So to be on the safe and eternally blessed side, always remember "...We ought to obey God rather than
men." -Acts 5:29
- German bishop demands change in Church teachings on sexuality
- ‘Christian’ Swapping Site Hooks Up Married Couples With Sex Partners for ‘Free Love’
- 2 Timothy 3:1-4 " the last days... men shall be... lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God."
Ask any grandparent, or read a history book about the worldwide love affair between God and His people of the not so distant past. Almost every nation on Earth was in church at least one day a week back a few years ago. Today, it's a far far smaller number. Plus most people were Bible readers. But today, it's not a common site. Why is this? Besides the fact that prophecy predicted it, one can see a bevy of methods the devil used to bring it about. For example, look at the Bible itself. It used to be the most exciting book to read. The stories were awesome displays of Truth and wonder. The Christian mind was allowed to be brought into an area the Lord planned. But with the arrival of Hollywood and their special effects. Stories have become mind boggling displays of special effects, slow motion, and heart wrenching plots. After years of watching this "eye candy" the mind becomes so conditioned, that it craves the wondrous displays of technology melded with story telling to keep it's attention. This way, when the person is introduced to God's Word, it not only becomes hard to comprehend, it also appears boring to them. It used to be the Bible was the most exciting book on earth.
I recall when I was a toddler everyone I knew was in church each week. Now, almost everyone I meet avoids it like the plague. And those that do attend church, only do so where the churches provide loud music, skits, and preachers that proclaim the Word in a very entertaining manner. This is why you see HUGE churches popping up all over the nation with congregations of 3000 to 5000! The people attend because it's easy to do so. It's not like they're going to church, it's more like a Broadway show. Just like Hollywood has been able to make the exciting stories in the Word seem boring, these ordained "entertainers" make REAL worship appear boring, somber, tedious, and grievous. Of course this doesn't work on ALL of people of the World. Truth is, the Elect can NOT be deceived!
Billions of dollars are spent every year on methods to entertain us, but much less in comparison is given to God in the form of tithing and love offerings. I remember as a child a certain thrill placing a coin in the collection basket that came by. Today I see the same thrill filled eyes in a child dropping a coin in the demonically decorated video games in the arcades of our shopping malls. This prophecy can also be easily considered fulfilled merely by the billions of hours pleasure hungry people spend behind their television sets every week. I don't even want to get into the negative aspects of what some people consider pleasure. But we all know it's a triple X fact of today's world. There are sections of downtown Chicago that you can't walk down without having a triple X salesman trying to coax you into his theater. Most people I talk with tell me they don't even need to walk in the theaters, the posters in the windows are quite sufficient to generate the satisfactory sinful sensations in the hearts of some.
And then you have the other aspect of crazed pleasure addiction. No I am not talking about the ever present drug problem we all know about all to well. I am talking about what lengths some people will actually go to satisfy their every whim.
Dad pushes child at train for wife
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - A 7 year-old boy emerged from
a coma Saturday after he lost both legs when his father pushed
him under a moving train to please his second wife, police said. Omar
Mohei Eddin survived when a passersby rushed him to a hospital late Friday.
His father, Ibrahim Mohei Eddin, 40, had abandoned him thinking he was
dead, police said. Police quoted the elder Mohei Eddin, who divorced Omar's
mother and remarried, as saying his 23-year-old second wife could not live
with the son. Champaign News Gazzette Sept. 29, 1996 p. A-12
As we see here, with the craze for pleasure comes the craze for violence. We see it every day, a weekend of partying, drinking, drugging, leads to some form of violence. The media is ablaze with this type of lifestyle. How often do we read about a crime being committed after a person awoke from an afternoon nap, or a good nights sleep. No, hardly ever if at all. What we hear about in the news broadcasts is a night or a weekend of pleasure filled utopia that leads up to the crime. This violence is prophetic fulfillment. And we can see very plainly in this next prophecy.
- Judge says incest no longer taboo
- CNN Poll: Support for legal marijuana soaring
- Marijuana marketing: Spirit Airlines offers ‘Get Mile High’ discount on flights to Colorado
- Video~ Highly addictive 'zombie drug' wreaks havoc in Russia
- Chewing to Death: Yemeni drug addiction threatens to dry the country
- Video~ University of Iowa claims top party school title!
- BC Marijuana Legalization Could Bring In Billions
- Motel goes nude to save business
- Spray gets you drunk instantly... but not for long
- Matthew 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound... "
- 2 Timothy 3:13 "...evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse.... "
- Ezekiel 7:23 "...the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence."
...Kelly Doyle testified she was awakened by a
loud noise, which prosecutors believe was Sheila Doyle's car lurching forward
and striking a red children's wagon that struck the garage wall, as Tyler
(her killer) struggled to get her out of the car that night... She heard
her mother say "Please don't hurt me," She got up and walked into
the family's living room and again heard her mother say "Please
don't hurt me," and then heard a car door slam... "I heard the man
say in an ordering sound... something about a car," Kelly Doyle said.
"I heard my mother scream. I heard a big bang." Prosecutors said
the second slamming door was the sound of Tyler closing the car's trunk
on Doyle, whom he allegedly forced into the trunk and ordered to remain
quiet, but shot her in the head after she screamed. Kelly Doyle said she
"went back to her room, put her headset back on and lay down". A
short time later, she again got up and found her father, William Doyle,
on the telephone with police, reporting that his wife was missing. William
Doyle, another daughter and a son also had been asleep. Daily Southtown
August 10, 1991 p. A3
This brings to mind yet another prophecy of our Lord in Matthew 24:12 where it is proclaimed that, "iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Did you also notice the reporter of the newspaper didn't notice the lack of concern on behalf of the daughter, he just reported it as normal as he could!
Last year Bogota reported an average of four
cases of poisoning by burundanga, a drug with side-effects
that include hallucinations, memory loss, and loss of
will. Criminals find it ideal for their purposes. They can get
a victim to do their bidding, then they can rest easy knowing the victim
will remember nothing. In one instance, a couple under the influence of
burundanga spent the evening withdrawing money from cash machines and handing
it over to thieves. In other cases, victims have been raped, kidnapped,
used as drug couriers---yet they remembered nothing once the drug wore
off. The name burundanga actually refers to either of two drugs---scopolamine
or benzodiazpine. The drugs act directly on the central nervous system,
blocking neurotransmission and preventing memorization. "The effect of
the drug on the brain is comparable to that of a power cut on a computer."
It leaves the victim "totally suggestible" but fully awake and calm.
Burundanga is administered orally, in powder form, and is soluble, odorless,
and tasteless. This makes it perfect for criminal use. The only
protection it to watch what you eat or drink. "Losing their minds in
Bogota" -Anne Proenza World Press Review, Oct 1994 (Vol 41. No 10).
pp. 20,21 Topic Columbia
- Acts 28:3-6 "And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand. 4 And ... the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, ... 5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. 6 Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him... "
- Mark 16:18 "They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
It's not just adults doing these gut wrenching crimes. Our children everywhere have grown more and more violent. This proves a deadly cancer has spread throughout society when the children themselves are affected. It is indeed a sad thing when the children are committing crimes that were only seen in the adults in days past. Is it unexpected? It shouldn't be. We have been teaching our children almost every waking moment how to become more and more violent and immoral. So why should we be upset when they become violently inclined from a video game, a movie, a book, or a cartoon they watch. Our children are subjected to every form of decadence available in their own schools as well. Most parents in the Midwest are familiar with a book club available to the children via the local government school system. I speak of the Troll Student book club of course. Not all parents feel threatened by this book club mainly because they trust their local schools not to subject their loved ones to such filth. However, many parents have peeked into the Troll Book Club to find out some pretty shocking facts. Below are some book titles that the school feels is appropriate for your children to read, due to this book club.
BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS Homosexual book for 1st-graders Parents outraged over story where prince finds love with another prince Posted: March 18, 2004 5:00 p.m. Eastern © 2004 A North Carolina couple is outraged by a book their first-grade daughter brought home from the school library in which a prince finds his true love – in the form of another prince. The leading character in "King & King," Prince Bertie, waves off a bevy of eligible princes before falling for Prince Lee, Associated Press reported. The book ends with the two "marrying" and sharing a kiss. "I was flabbergasted," Michael Hartsell of Wilmington, N.C., told the news service. "My child is not old enough to understand something like that, especially when it is not in our beliefs." AP reports the 32-page book by Linda De Haan and Stern Nijland was published in March 2002 by Tricycle Press, the children's division of Ten Speed Press of Berkeley, Calif. A follow-up, "King & King & Family," was recently published. The publisher says the book is intended for readers age 6 and up. The principal of Freeman Elementary School defended the book. "What might be inappropriate for one family, in another family is a totally acceptable thing," Principal Elizabeth Miars is quoted as saying. Hartsell and his wife, Tonya, said they intend to file a written complaint with the committee that reviews library books for the district and are considering transferring their daughter |
Our children have no choice but to live what they are being taught as an acceptable lifestyle. Satan understand the jurisprudence of Proverbs 22:6 and he will use it to his advantage! He will "train up the child" in an evil manner so that when he is old he will do as Satan suggests. It's no wonder this book is in the schools now. The gay marriages hoopla seems to be loosing ground, so they no doubt figure they can breed a new crop of supporters by getting them young.
All this evil, all this decadence, all this violence is taking it's toll on our children. They simply can't handle it, and when they do act out we are powerless to stop them. Thanks to Article 28 of the U.N., when our children do get out of hand, as we can expect them to thanks to all this garbage being pumped into them. The United Nations seeks to prevent us by law from disciplining them to stop the madness.
I am deeply affected whenever I think of that cute little 11 year old boy that was gunned down by his "friends" because he mistakenly shot and killed the wrong person back in 1994. His mistake caused such a stink for his "homeys" that they had to kill him. Of course I speak of 11 year old Robert "Yummy" Sandifer whose picture appeared on the cover of Time magazine the week of September 19, 1994. Did you notice how much the media played to the hearts of America with stories about Yummy? What about the young 14 year old girl he shot and killed instead of the gang member he was aiming at? This 11 year old made it to the cover of Time Magazine! Time Magazine actually dedicated the entire issue to "Yummy" and kids like him! The magazine had pictures of Yummy's Grandmother, Mother, Brothers, Sisters... But what about the 14 year old little girl? Yummy became a national figure, it's almost as if he was made an Icon representing the youth of America! But the little innocent 14 year old girl was given a grave for her troubles. I wonder how many kids out there romanticized about being Yummy on the cover of Time that week? Is it any wonder we have so many children into violent crime when you have magazines like "Time" that make the Yummy's out there look so attractive? I wonder if any of those children realized just what he did? He killed a 14 year old girl instead of a fellow gang member! He was trying to receive "points" that would lead to a higher "rank" within the gang. Her name was, ...Shavon Dean.
Shavon Dean |
U.S. News and World Report focuses on
"Kids who Kill," saying there's so much violence on television that
even kids with guns become extremely dangerous. Disputes once settled
with fists between kids are now settled with guns. Every 100 hours
more youth die on the streets than were killed in the Persian Gulf Warfare"
Manuel Sanchez and John Duncan, both 12, were
arrested last month for the murder of a migrant worker in Wenatchee,
Washington. Police say the boys shot the man, a transient, after
he threw rocks at them for firing guns too close to him. Time Magazine
art. "When Kids go Bad" 9/19/94 p. 62
Tried as an adult in Bath, New York, Eric Smith, 14, was found guilty last month of murder for bludgeoning and strangling a preschooler. Time Magazine art. "When Kids go Bad" 9/19/94 p. 63 |
What of the bloody crimes mentioned by Ezekiel? Without getting too gruesome. I would like to remind you of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Jeffrey Dahmer, The Night Stalker...etc The list grows longer everyday. Today's society is literally riddled with serial killers of all types. Satanism is running rampant in all our cities big or small. Crimes of this magnitude were far and few between just 25 years ago. Today, they are common place. In fact, thanks to the media, they have become so common place that our young adults have grown fascinated by their murderous lifestyle. They have actually looked to these killers are role models!
Police searching for a stolen Virgin Mary statue
in McMinnville, Tenn., found it amid a shrine to serial killers Charles
Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and "Son of Sam" David Berkowitz
at the home of two teenage boys. Inside a garage converted into
a bedroom, officers said they found a makeshift altar with occult items
and photos of the killers. Southtown Economist Jan. 1, 1995 Section
Back Page p. D-10
- Luke 21:26 "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth... "
U.S. News and World Report says...
"Fear stalks our streets."
- Luke 21:11 "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven."
In Ethiopia upwards of 4.5 million people, more than four times the number wiped out by the great famine of 1984-85, may starve this year if food relief is not provided--and soon. In Sudan, where as many as a quarter of a million people died of hunger in 1987-88, the most dire estimates suggest that 3 million could suffer the same fate by the middle of this decade. Once again the world may see those sickening images: skeletal children too weak to swat away the flies that swarm around their eyes; old people slumped against herding sticks, too weary to take another step. TIME Jan. 22,1990 art. AFRICA Death by Starvation least 6 million people live at the brink of starvation. Relief workers expect that almost a million Ethiopians may die this year alone in what could become "the worst human disaster in recent history." After ten years of drought and civil war, twelve of the country's 14 provinces have been laid waste by a famine of biblical proportions. More than 40% of the country's 42 million people are malnourished, and 2.2 million have left their homes to wander in search of food. TIME Nov. 26,1984 art. ETHIOPIA The Land of the Dead |
Disease and pestilence is an all too common occurrence upon our widely polluted planet. This day by day reality has become a fact of life for this generation that none would question. We have disease in our oceans, lakes and rivers. We poison our neighborhoods with disease laden toxic landfills. Daily, we breath a highly concentrated death into our lungs in the big cities. We actually test chemical and nuclear bombs that dissipate and spread all sorts of death into our atmosphere. Our children have become walking time bombs of disease mainly due to Sexually transmitted diseases, drugs and chemically laden and genetically engineered fast foods. And then we have the ever popular, AIDS crisis. This particular disease is one of great controversy. It is a disease that is circling the globe in quite the hurry. However, try to get an accurate figure from the media as to the amount of HIV infected people walking about now-a-days. The media, as always feels it is their duty to Mis-Inform the public to prevent panic. All this truly does is create is a naive population thinking it's not as bad as it seems, and then the problem mushrooms to un-recordable numbers by those that decide to take a chance with their very lives. And then you see as we see now. AIDS is running rampant in Biblical proportions.
If they would listen, there is a question I would like to ask the media. Why do they constantly push the "safe sex" propaganda to our nations youth? If it's so safe, why don't they push the same methods on smoking, or drinking? Do we every see safe-smoking? Or sake-drinking ads? We do see ads telling us to Quit Smoking, or Quit Drinking. But when it comes to sinful pre-marital fornication, or extra-marital adultery the media says try Safe Sex! Science has proven time and time again that there is no such thing as safe sex. But getting the media to believe that`is truly impossible. They prefer to believe scientist's only when it's convenient for them. Like when the scientists blaspheme and say there is no God, or the Pope shouts evolution is sound, the media eats that up. But if science tells them their sinful choices is actually killing them, they blow that off. I am afraid that, this Condom nation is headed for Condemnation!
"When we talk about the nature of man, we are
standing on ground that has been pre-empted by Christianity. On this ground,
science and Christianity now meet face to face. With one voice they declare
that the future is precarious, and with one voice they declare that
it is precarious because of man. Christianity puts its finger
upon that in man's nature which science now gravely fears may cause his
destruction and the destruction of the earth with him. Science and Christianity
are now looking at the same thing in man. Science has no word for it, but
Christianity has. That word is sin...
Sin, says Christianity, is inherent in man's nature.
Unless something is done to destroy the power of sin in the heart of man,
his existence in a scientific world will always remain under the shadow
of imminent self-destruction." -Charles Clayton Morrison in The
Christian Century, March 13, 1946, pp. 330-332.
Now what of the "Earthquakes" shaking our cities and towns across the globe? Some say "We've always had earthquakes." This is true... But were you aware that we only had 21 major quakes in the history of the world before the 1900's that killed more than 10,000 people at a time. The historic facts are as follows...
- Luke 21:11 states, “…great earthquakes shall be in divers places.” …What I found was quite interesting.
Notice the above chart. It shows that we had 21
Major earthquakes in 1370 years previous to the 20th Century. That's
an average of 0.02 earthquakes per year that have killed more than 10,000
men woman and children. However, since the turn of the century, and
commencement of the end times, we have had unbelievable amounts of quakes
occurring. Now notice this next chart.
Did you notice
that? Again we see 21 earthquakes, however these 21 quakes
didn't occur over the course of many hundreds of years. NO, they occurred
in just 84 years! (1906 - 1990) That's an average of 0.4 earthquakes
per year that have killed more than 10,000 men, women, and children!
That's 200 times more earthquakes in 84 years than in all of the
recorded 1370 previous years of quakes! The record books don't lie!
I actually deleted over 35 quakes from the years 1906 and on, because
they were under 10,000 deaths each! Many were over 1,000 2,000 and
even 6,000 people dead! The Lord is not to be taken lightly. The prophecy
stated the earthquakes would increase in these last days, and as we see so evidently... they
In the last 90 years there have been over one
million and a half fatalities from earthquakes alone. Discoveries
in Prophecy A World in Turmoil Mark A. Finley p. 5
We are now experiencing over 6000 quakes per year worldwide of varying degrees of size, and just recently, this total was greatly enhanced in just three days! 4000 Earthquakes of all sizes reported in Tokyo in past 3 days. -CBN News 10/18/96 |
Why So Many Earthquakes This Decade?By Rycharde Manne | February 28th 2010 12:04 PM
While Haiti is still sorting out the chaos from its January earthquake,
the Earth suffers another massive quake in Chile. At a magnitude of 8.8
on the Richter scale this is one of the most powerful earthquakes ever
recorded. Concerns about a tsunami spreading across the Pacific have
abated and the Chilean authorities claim they have the resources to
handle the catastrophe.
Why are we having so many earthquakes recently? Is it just that the
media likes to report dramatic and tragic events, or has there been a
quantitative increase? The graph below tells a worrying story. The graph is compiled from data from the US Geological Survey (USGS), which monitors earthquakes throughout the globe. The data goes back over 100 years and looks as if this was compiled in 2007 or 2008. The URL which it points to has worldwide data on earthquakes but no longer has a graphical representation. Perhaps the graph is so alarming the USGS decided not to show data in this way. Just to fill in the recent data: 2008 saw 35 earthquakes of magnitude 6 and over; and 2009 saw a record-breaking 52, taking it way off the above scale - you can go count them yourself! However, this isn't a conspiracy website, so are there any scientists in this field who can explain this huge spike in earthquakes? An artefact of more measuring stations, surely not? Update: we seem to have some answers! The above graph is an artefact of selective data. As some readers don't go through all the comments here is the link to the relevant comment and a new graph. |
- Video Increase in big earthquakes
- Video Dangerous MRSA bacteria expand into communities
- Video World earthquakes: from 2012 to April 2013
- Deadly new virus is well adapted to infect humans, study finds
- USGS Global Quakes from 1900 to 2008 of 6.0 to 8.0
- Quake
Expert: Earth Cracking Up
"A leading earthquake scientist has warned that the planet could be cracking up after a series of massive quakes in just 48 hours. ...There is no doubt that something is seriously wrong. There have been too many strong earthquakes." - Earthquakes - what are the long term trends?
here for more info on earthquakes in my sermon series "We
are Very near the END"
- Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."
What a glorious and magnificent prophecy is this one. To think that every nation will at one time hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ! What an act of love by our Heavenly Father! God Almighty is holding back the final terrifying seven last plagues to make sure His children hear His Gospel truth so as to become ready and willing when He and His Son return to take us home!
"As never before it is possible to acquaint
men the world around with the Gospel. The many means of communication
--the radio and the airplane, added to the seemingly more prosaic contributions
of earlier days, the printed page, the railway, the steamship, and the
automobile-- makes physically feasible the reaching of all men. Christian
communities in almost every land and among almost every tribe and nation
provide, as never before, nuclei for the spread of the faith. The
disintegration of cultures carries with it in many lands the lessening
of resistance to the Gospel." -KENNETH SCOTT LATOURETTE, The Christian
Outlook (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1948), pp. 200, 201
Think of it!... Satellites transmit the Gospel to veritably billions of televisions every day from one side of the planet to the other. Radio waves carry the message of Jesus worldwide instantly with more density then ever before in the history of radio. The Bible itself has been the number one best seller for as long as they have kept track of the sale of books. Preachers from all walks of life are preaching the gospel from the darkest regions of Africa to the lofty Alps of Switzerland. Christians worldwide have all along been sharing the good news to family, friends, co-workers, and strangers at work or at play. These same Christians have been handing out Tracts, Booklets, Pocket Bibles, Commentaries, Printed Sermons, Newsletters, Bible Studies, Cassette Tapes, Video Tapes, Etc. And now, thanks to the Internet. The Gospel message is being broadcast by websites, FLASH animations, inside chat rooms, private messaging, as well as e-mail! The List is truly endless of all the methods the Lord is using to fulfill the prophecy that, "... this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." [Matthew 24:14]
As for all those nations that would not allow Christians within their borders to preach, this too is an awesome fulfillment of this prophecy. With the destruction of the Iron Curtain, we now see hundreds and thousands of Christians sharing Jesus with everyone they meet in this once barricaded country. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia is also allowing many Christians within its borders to spread the Gospel from one city to the next. Not too many years ago this was an absolute impossibility! Can you see the hand of the Almighty in this prophetic fulfillment? How can anyone dismiss this accurate fulfillment in today's world? The Lord prophecies that all nations will hear His Gospel, but not long ago we see that many nations would not allow His name even mentioned within their borders. And today, we see how it has come to be!
Fact is, there are still some nations that do not allow Christ mentioned in their borders. Take Pakistan, India, or China for example. Yes, there are many missionaries in those countries irregardless of what their Government's say. But with the Internet being invented, now people in these countries as well can have complete and utter access to the Gospel message within their very own homes!
Has everyone that is supposed to hear the Gospel heard it? Has the Good News been preached to all the nations? I don't know, nor is it possible for any man to know, for the Scripture is plain... "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 24:36 However, Jesus did say in Matthew 24:33 that, "...When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." And so it is.
I am convinced that many people that know of these prophecies, know that they are truth in it's purest form. But their sinful lifestyle is so enticing to them that they choose to deny the truth right before their eyes. These are the same people that fear opening their Bibles because of intense feelings of guilt. They can't open their Bibles because they know the truth in God's Word will convict them. I know this, because I used to be one of those people. How can they not open their Bibles if they know it will save them from eternal destruction you ask? I am sorry, but I can't answer that question. Maybe it's the same old useless lying comeback... "I will loose my friends... job... lover... money... goodtimes... if I walk as Jesus would have me walk." Is this not an age old come back? The enemy of our faith is very cunning in making sure it will be very difficult to give up such things for Christ. He will place people in jobs, or give them friends they "think" is worth more than eternal life itself. That may seem like a harsh statement, but when you get down to it. That's exactly what they are doing when they say they cannot give up "certain things" for that which Christ has to offer. They actually believe Jesus would mislead them. They can't believe that what He suggested as a healthy lifestyle was truly good for them. They may want to follow Jesus as long as they didn't have to make any drastic changes to their walk of life! This is Roman Catholic theology to the core. They teach you can be saved IN your sins. But my Bible says you are saved FROM your sins. They want a God that would allow them to sin AND still be considered Heaven Bound. I see that in today's society every place I turn. People from all walks of life have decided that they will create God in their image, a god that will ok their sin and still allow them to be holy. A god that won't condemn them for they believe is doing the right thing, even if it means going in direct conflict with the Word of the One True God. It's no wonder the next prophecy was easily fulfilled. People are starving for a god that will ok their sinful lifestyles so when they can't find it in the Word of God they... "look to the stars."
- Matthew 24:11 "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. "
- 1 Timothy 4:1
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the
latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing
spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Matthew 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. " - Revelation 16:14 "For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles..."
We as a created human race have a spiritual side longing for our Creator and ever living God. However, there are those people that for one reason or another have decided to seek spiritual guidance from another instead of looking to the God of the ages. These so-called psychics are giving these people quick fixes to ease their spiritual longings, and at the same time taking them for every dime they can get. The Almighty warns us in His Word that this is to happen in the last days, but these lonely people refuse to read their Bibles and never find out what they are doing is extremely deadly to their souls. The devil has been pumping just enough garbage into their minds via the psychic's to keep them satisfied enough to ignore the truth about what's happening all around them.
The Bible has been proven time and time again to be the most accurate prophetic book of all time. Yet most people would rather believe the shallow lies of a money hungry psychic then the tried and true Word of a Creator God. If these psychics were so accurate, why are they not raking it in from the so many decadent forms of gambling available today? One would think that if they were truly psychic, it would be child's play to win the Lottery, or clean out a gambling Casino. Simple fact is, it's because they are truly not psychic. They merely found a way to make money that can be easily scammed from the lonely, answer seeking gullible public. People want to feel better about their lifestyle choices of sin, and the psychics give them the praise and reassurance they so desperately hunger for. If it keeps you out of the Bible for the answers, then the devil's plan has worked on that particular soul. And the whole time these 1-900-IMA-LIAR's are conning you out of your hard earned cash.
It's not just the little people that are affected by such lies as this. Many heads of nations are also guilty of acknowledging this prophecy fulfilled. Presidents, and even first ladies have sought the council of these psychics, channelors, and spiritualists. Spiritualism has even invaded the churches of every denomination that teaches the soul is immortal and people go immediately to Heaven or Hell at death. This encourages the lie that "maybe there is a spirit world we can access." This is in direct conflict with what the Word of God teaches regarding the state of the dead.
Psychics are sought out in every walk of life today. teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, priests, preachers, housewives, and even teenagers. Every face you see may have already wasted money going to a psychic for a lie filled answer regarding information they supposedly got from "familiar spirits." Many of our very own Presidents admit to seeking the council of psychics. Hillary Clinton herself believes she has the ability to conjure up dead past first ladies for their motherly or sisterly advice. The Reagan's did it as well. Do a little research yourselves, you may find some rather surprising results as to who actually believes the garbage these false prophets of our day spew out of their lying mouths. What's worse, the ones making the laws in this Country and many other countries rely heavily on what their "spirit guides" tell them! Is this not an easy way for the enemy of Christ to get exactly what he needs done?
As for "The spirits of devils, working miracles" mentioned in the prophecy, we are now seeing this as well on a daily basis. How many watched the media back in 1996 go crazy covering an event that started in India that within days was reported happening in every nation on earth, including the USA.
Televised News Broadcasts on all channels across the nation reported and filmed stone carvings of Hindu Religious Icons actually drinking milk from spoons placed under the nose of the stone image. TV News - Channel 15, 27, 55 Danville, Urbana/Champaign IL. March 10, 1996 |
The most popular of all these miracles done by devils, would have to be what began in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal. The so called "virgin Mary" was sighted by three children and has done many so called miracles since then. As a matter of fact, the demon that calls himself "The Virgin Mary," has been popping up everywhere across the globe. The most popular still to this day is Lourdes, France where a 14 year old girl saw the Virgin Mary back in 1858.
Each year millions visit the grotto where, in
1858, a 14-year-old girl, Bernadette Soubirous (later Saint Bernadette),
claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary. The waters of an
underground spring in the grotto are believed to have miraculous healing
powers. A basilica (completed 1876) and a large underground church
are at the grotto. Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright. Copyright (c) 1994
Funk & Wagnall's Corporation.
Marian shrines and places of pilgrimage are found
throughout the world. At Monserrat in Spain the Black Virgin has been venerated
since the 12th century. The icon of Our Lady of Czëstochowa
has been venerated in Poland since the early 14th century. The picture
of Our Lady of Guadalupe commemorates an alleged apparition of Mary
to the Native American Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531. In the 19th century
a number of apparitions of Mary were reported that inspired the
development of shrines, devotions, and pilgrimages—for instance,
in Paris (1830, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal), Lourdes (1858, Our Lady
of Lourdes), Knock, in Ireland (1879, Our Lady of Knock), and Fatima, in
Portugal (1917, Our Lady of Fatima) "Mary (Virgin Mary)," Microsoft (R)
Encarta. Copyright (c) 1994 Funk & Wagnall's Corporation.
“The Vatican approves of the magic and occult practices described in the Harry Potter books.”
I’ve had parents ask me, “Have you changed your
opinion about Harry Potter now that the Vatican has given its approval
to the Harry Potter books and movie?” My answer is, “No.” Yet I know
that many Catholic parents, who had initially had reservations about
Harry Potter, have let their kids read the novels after the Vatican
approval. Many other parents are understandably confused.
-Family life Center Inernational (online source =
"Now my faithful writer gets the last laugh, as the Vatican does indeed approve of "Harry Potter." Vatican publication Osservatore Romano stated that "the
mixture of supernatural suspense and romanticism sets the right
balance, making the adventures of the protagonists more credible." The write-up goes on to call this latest entry "the best in the series."
-art. 'Harry Potter
And The Half-Blood Prince': Now Vatican-Approved! (online
) Roman Catholic St Andrews University stated on October 24, 2010 "Theologian Rev Dr Stephen Holmes has claimed Harry Potter should be seen as a "Christ-like" figure because he promotes Biblical values. The Acting head of divinity at St Andrews University, said some religious commentators had been hasty in their condemnation of the phenomenally successful series." (online source: ) |
Harry Potter
has lit that hellish fire of fulfillment regarding this prophesied event like none other in modern times. Seeing
how they are over 1 billion strong now, one can expect a lot more
acceptance of the occultism of Harry Potter will spread as Catholics
introduce it to their billions of friends. This is actually how
the Pagan festivals of Halloween, Christmas, Valentines day,
and Easter that are embraced by Rome was introduced in America
after it was founded. And
thanks to the nonstop sludge of vulgar innuendos and jokes on TV that are off
color, sexual, violent, perverted, and out right blasphemies in sitcoms like the Simpson’s,
which by the way were just endorsed by the Vatican as well in December of 2009,
and in October of 2010. It was just announced by the Vatican that Homer Simpson is
a Roman Catholic in good standing!
"The official Vatican newspaper has declared that beer-swilling,
doughnut-loving Homer Simpson and son Bart are Catholics -- and what's
more, it says that parents should not be afraid to let their children
watch "the adventures of the little guys in yellow. Few people know it, and he does everything to hide it. But it's true:
Homer J. Simpson is Catholic", the Osservatore Romano newspaper said in
an article on Sunday headlined "Homer and Bart are Catholics." -Reuters
10-18-10 (online source = "The official Vatican newspaper has declared that Homer Simpson and son Bart are Catholics and parents should let their children watch the show. 'Few people know it, and he does everything to hide it. But it's true: Homer J Simpson is Catholic,' the Osservatore Romano says. It says a study concludes that the show is 'among the few TV programs for kids in which Christian faith, religion and questions about God are recurrent themes'" -Bigpond News "Simpson's are holy" Oct. 20, 2010 (online source |
makes one wonder when you see articles from the Vatican like this.
True Christianity cannot approve of such demonic activity of Harry
Potter or blasphemous and immoral comedy of Homer Simpson, yet Rome,
who claims to be a Christian church not only approves, but praises
these evil forms of entertainment so as to generate a worldwide
into the spiritualism Roman Catholic doctrine has preached since
its inception. Harry Potter is bad enough with all its blatant demonic activity.
But to call the comedy of the Simpson's Christian entertainment
where on a regular basis they blaspheme and make fun of our Heavenly
Father and His Son is insane! It's no wonder the following approval has become
the norm in our society lately.
"Wiccan minister says religion has become more acceptable in the mainstream.
...a 2008 American Religious Identification Survey out of Trinity College in Connecticut suggests that practitioners may be more comfortable identifying as pagans. According to the survey, those calling themselves pagans increased from 140,000 to 340,000 between 2001 and 2008. The number of Wiccans grew from 134,000 in 2001 and 342,000 in 2008."
-Chicago Tribune. art. 'Expanding the pagan tent of
worshippers' 9onloine source =,0,7124947.column
) |
Paganism is the ultimate
in spiritualistic religions. In fact, this is what 86.2%
of Roman Catholicism claims as Catholic doctrine. Paganism
is growing at a phenomenal rate confirming this prophecy fulfilled.This
is why people the world over have adopted the exact same mindset of those in Noah’s
day just as Jesus predicted. Right before the flood, "GOD saw that the
wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5) Then
Jesus said in Matthew 24:37, "But as the days of Noe were, so shall
also the coming of the Son of man be."
We have all seen the media ablaze with such stories
of miracle healings due to some painting of Mary that has blood,
or tears coming from the eyes. But I ask, how is it possible for Mary to be doing anything? She is most
certainly dead, is she not? She has not yet resurrected with the other
true Christians that are dead in Christ because Jesus has not yet
returned. The Bible is plain in it's teachings of what happens to the person
once they have died.
- Psalms 6:5 "For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks? "
- Psalms 115:17 "The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence. "
- Psalms 146:4 "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish "
- Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun. "
- 1 Timothy 6:15,16 "Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; 16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen."
My Favorite verse on this subject....
- 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming."
For those that understand the Bible does say Enoch, Moses, and Elijah, are in Heaven, as well as the multitudes that came out of the grave the day Christ did. Some people that are in Heaven now. Does this contradict what I just said? No! How so? Look at that verse again. It also said, "every man in his own order." Enoch and the others had a different order than the rest of us. Their order was set differently for Biblical reasons. For more information on the state of the dead see
- 1 Corinthians 15:52,53 "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality."
It's pretty amazing when you can find the answers to literally ALL the questions man can have are in the Bible. Yet man decides he doesn't need to read it? This is one of the reasons the occult is running rampant today. People have been so conditioned over the years to believe in the lies of Satan that when films like Harry Potter come out, or sitcoms like The Simpson's, they see no wrong in subjecting their children to it. Especially after the prelates in Rome give a praise filled thumbs up to it all. And by the way... that film is an open fulfillment to this prophecy. The woman that wrote those stories is a professed witch. Thanks to the people of this world being so conditioned to embrace her lies, she has become the first woman author that became a billionaire!
Just one more note that I would like to stress. Many people have also had "visions" of another kind recently. It's called "Life after Death Experiences". They all report the same thing. If they claim to be Christians they report seeing an "Angel of Light" at the end of a tunnel. If they aren't Christian, they report a "Being of Light" at the end of the tunnel. Let me ask you this... besides the obvious fact that the Bible Identifies this "Angel of Light" as Satan. Why do so many people believe that the Almighty ever living God can actually make a mistake? Do you honestly believe that God would slip up and allow someone to die, and then us puny little created race of humans have to correct the mistake of God by bringing the deceased back to life? Or are we as a puny human race somehow able to convince an omnipotent God that He messed up, and therefore must return us to the land of the living? Have we become that conceited in our own abilities that we have surpassed God in our hearts?
But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
"when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors."
- Matthew 24:37,38 "But as the days of Noe [were], so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe [Noah] entered into the ark"
Don't wait until you see the horizon covered with the planetary girth of the final plague blotting out the sun to repent. For at this time it will be too late! The 125lb chunks of hail will fall with great velocity and life as we know it will end. Reality as we know it will change. Some will be blessed with the new reality of joyous life eternal. The rest will be judged worthy of eternal death.
Don't wait until you see the horizon covered with the planetary girth of the final plague blotting out the sun to repent. For at this time it will be too late! The 125lb chunks of hail will fall with great velocity and life as we know it will end. Reality as we know it will change. Some will be blessed with the new reality of joyous life eternal. The rest will be judged worthy of eternal death.
Want to be saved from
all that is death?
click here
click here
There are many of you I am sure that feel I am preaching in a way that says... "I am right in saying it's the end times, and the whole world is wrong in saying it's not." It may seem that way because there are indeed very few Christians that hold to these truths in these final days. The only reason our numbers are so few is because the Bible said that we would be few in this day, and so we are.
Some of the most astonishing prophecies in the
Bible have to do with the proportion of people who will be saved at the
coming of Christ. Jesus clearly taught that only a comparative few
would be ready to inherit His kingdom. He said, "Enter ye in at the
strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to
destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the
gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be
that find it." Matthew 7:13, 14. In Luke 18:8, by asking a very penetrating
question, Jesus implied that the "few" might be even less than we
could hope or imagine. "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall
he find faith on the earth?" Again, the Master spoke of the final separation
in these words: "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also
in the days of the Son of man." Luke 17:26. Only eight people were
saved from the flood and "as it was then" so shall it be at His coming.
Other Bible writers and prophets use similar language to portray the "little
flock," the "remnant," and the "few" who will prove faithful to the very
end. The fact that so few will be saved is not nearly as shocking as the
reason given in the Bible for their loss. It seems obvious that great multitudes
will be excluded from heaven even though they professed Christ, worshipped
Him regularly, and spend much of their time doing wonderful works in His
name. Jesus said, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall
enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father
which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we
not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in
thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them,
I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7:21-23.These verses reveal that the earth will be flooded
with a lot of false religion in the last days. Millions will be
spending their time, their effort, and their money in promoting a religion
that involves apparent miracles, apparent spiritual gifts, and much enthusiastic
activity. All of this is explicitly spelled out in the teaching of our
Lord. Yet those many will finally be utterly rejected by Jesus and shut
out of heaven. Talk about startling truth! More people need to get
their eyes open to this little-understood situation that will characterize
the end time. Then we need to find out how to avoid the vast spiritual
delusions which will cause so many religious people to be lost.
Why will they be rejected in spite of their devoted worship and ministry in the name of Jesus? It has caused some people almost to despair of salvation. How can one know that his own religion will not finally be found in this category?
concerned Christian
- 1 Timothy 4:1 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; "
- Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with me. -Revelation 3:20
- I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. -Luke 13:3
If you are one that feels the Lord
doesn't really care about you, then I challenge you to explain John 11:35, where
it says... Jesus wept.
- I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: -Deuteronomy 30:19
...Choose you this day whom ye will serve... for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15
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