Tuesday, May 6, 2014


...now spreading to ALL nations! 
Ever notice this?
The AMA uses the law to make it ok to legally honor a suicidal request as well as an abortion. In other words, the AMA is literally making billions of dollars by legally killing people! If someone would have told you 50 years ago that the AMA would be the world's leading "legal" mass murderer, would you have believed them?
Not every doctor in the AMA is corrupt. I know many that are not only honest, they are Christians to boot. Sadly, however, like in any profession, most doctors are corrupt who don't take their hippocratic oath very seriously. So pray before you approach a doctor and CHECK HIM OR HER OUT thoroughly! It's better to be safe than sorry. Because in many cases, sorry means DEAD.

click image for larger view
Notice the snake? See the three loops? Can you see the "666"?
Over the years I have seen one insane action after another performed by the "so called" doctors of medical science. They claim the natural methods of healing put forth by God Himself are "quackery" even though they have been proven time and time again to actually heal people of everything from AIDS to Cancer. Truth is, the American Medical Association (AMA) doctors are nothing more then Sorcerers. In fact, this is mentioned in prophecy...
Speaking of the "real" first Pope, we see this...
  • Acts 8:9, "But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:"
Speaking of the Vatican's prophecied end, we see this...
  • Revelation 18:23, "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."
How is the word "sorceries" defined in the Word of God?
5331 pharmakeia {far-mak-i'-ah}
 from 5332;; n f
 AV - sorcery 2, witchcraft 1; 3
1) the use or the administering of drugs
2) poisoning
3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
4) metaph. the deceptions and seductions
Notice the Greek word "Pharmakeia"? In today's language that would be translated PHARMACY! Amazing how the Pharmacies of today are purposely connected with the Vatican in Christian prophecy isn't it? With this information adding to the pile of evidence against the Roman church, It truly becomes mind boggling just how many evils actually stem from this vat-of-sin in Rome.
It has been proven time and time again that if you properly use natural methods to rid yourself of sickness and disease you are healed 100% However, if you use the sorceries/drugs of the AMA you are never healed. Why? Because if they heal you they loose a paying customer. Natural methods have been known to heal people with Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and even AIDS. Yet, if you use the AMA drugs, you are told you will need them for the rest of your life! They do nothing more then mask the symptoms and empty the wallets and purses of those duped by them.
Now I am not saying that you should get off your meds or refuse to see a doctor. If your life is in danger, there is no sin in using the meds they perscribe. Truth is, it may be the only way to slow the progress of the disease at present, and you can take advantage of that fact. What I mean is, if you also use natural meds at the same time you use AMA drugs, you may eventually rectify the issue to where you can get healed and off all medications on both sides of the isle. All AMA doctors agree that natural healing herbs do not cause problems when mixing with their drugs. STILL, I would double check with your doctor to make sure. After all, this is your life you're dealign with. At the same time, I would ask a natural healing doctor what herbs would help while doing the AMA drugs. AMA drugs can and do save lives, and they can be used to keep you stable enough as you heal yourself naturally. So please be very cautious here.
On this page I plan to post numerous articles that prove the AMA are indeed untrustworthy in many ways and the Natural Doctors are indeed the real healers of today. Why have I been urged to create such a page as this? Other than numerous personal testimonies of myself and loved ones, as well as complete strangers that have been healed 100% of aliments the AMA said are incurable, I was actually moved to go forth and make this page exposing the AMA after reading the following article. Read it and be prepared to be SHOCKED!
'Mengele Lives!' if FDA rule approved
Plan would allow medical experimentation on uninformed patients

Posted: September 8, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Richard D. Ackerman
Medical experiments could be carried out in the United States on uninformed patients under a rule change proposed by the Food and Drug Administration, charges a California pro-family group.. The plan is in a rule proposed by the FDA regarding "emergency research" that scientists and doctors could conduct on unconscious or otherwise incapacitated patients, said Richard Ackerman of the Pro-Life Law Center. The proposed rules, known as "Guidance for Institutional Review Boards, Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors: Exception from Informed Consent for Emergency Research," are scheduled for a public hearing next month. The proposal would allow the use of any "investigational new drug application" or "investigational device" on people who have a life-threatening medical condition for which other treatments are unsatisfactory. It applies in situations where the patients are unconscious and cannot give consent and none of their representatives is available. "Such 'emergency research' could be conducted without any informed consent from the patient or their designated representative," Ackerman noted. "Informed consent is a touchstone in regards to human freedom in medical issues," he said. Pro-Family Law Center, told WorldNetDaily yesterday. "It's been held in common law for hundreds of years. "The minute you allow a doctor to cross that line, between the patient or patient's representive being in the know, you've given over complete control to the doctor," he said. He described the experiments as being "Nazi-like" and said he used that term intentionally. "This is reminiscent of the days of Hitler and Dr. Mengele," he said. "The idea that research can be performed on a human being without informed consent is antithetical to the very meaning of human self-determination and dignity." Josef Mengele was the Nazi leader who performed a wide range of scientifically-useless and mostly-fatal experiments on humans during Hitler's era. The Nazis, led by Mengele's experimentation desires, "conducted dangerous medical experiments on innocent people without consent. Many people died as a result of the Nazis' human experiments and many others suffered a lifetime of post-experimental trauma and injury," the center said. One of Mengele's experiments, for example, reportedly tried to create conjoined people by sewing children together. "The Pro-Family Law Center does not accept the idea that the U.S. government can order any human experimentation without valid informed consent," Ackerman said in a statement. "PFLC is urging all Christians, Jews, and patients' rights advocates to challenge these proposed regulations." This new battle over the value of life is very important, Ackerman said. "If a human being can be experimented on with absolutely no consent, we have lost all sense of human dignity. While our nation long ago lost much of its respect for preborn children, we attempted to hold on to the principles of informed consent and human dignity for adults. These new regulations would chip away at the little remaining respect that our nation has for human life." The Pro-Family Law Center is planning an opinion letter to be sent to the president and the FDA, and will be working on a petition drive as well, officials said. Ackerman said the biggest danger rests for the homeless, or other citizens in marginalized groups, because they often don't have anyone to act as a representative if they are involved in an accident or become ill. "There will be a subclass of patients who can't give consent themselves, or don't have a representative," he said. That concept was the same used by the Nazis, who considered some groups of people less than human. Ackerman, besides leading the Pro-Family Law Center, is a published author and contributing writer to Whistleblower Magazine and WorldNetDaily. He has defended the Pledge of Allegiance before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and U.S. Supreme Court and battled for religious liberty and to defeat same-sex marriage.
(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.
Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health Human Services.)
Now notice this:
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that's 80 million..)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188
Statistics courtesy of the FBI)

So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. So the real truth is, "Guns don't kill people, doctors do."

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand! Out of concern for the public at large,We have withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention!

Many of the AMA doctors were discussing at a convention the many dangers of vaccinations. After a few hours of horrendous accounts of what vaccines do to people, they decided to have a vote on stopping the recommendation of vaccines. Then 3 pediatricians stepped up and explained that if they vote down the vaccines, all pediatricians would be out of work because 80% of their income comes from vaccines! They decided not to vote! Click here for the video that touches on this. Fast forward to 6:19 in the video to see what I mean.

The following links will grow as research continues. I also plan to make a section on this page pointing to natural healing methods for those in need.
  1. video Overmedicated nation: American children in danger
  2. Lying about cancer: 1,300 mammograms falsified
  3. Many Wyoming parents question childhood vaccines
  4. 67 British Doctors Who Signed Blank Forms Authorizing Abortions Face No Discipline
  5. UK Physicians Group Refuses Diplomas to Doctors Who Oppose Abortion Drugs
  6. Anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping pills proven to kill thousands of American each year
  7. video Psychiatry's secret involvement in military suicides
  8. $64 million in bribes paid to UK doctors last year by drug companies
  9. video Medicated to Death: SSRIs and Mass Killings
  10. Pregnant Woman Dies After Horrifying Medical Mixup
  11. Death Blamed on New Blood Thinner
  12. CDC: Hospital infections kill 200 daily in USA
  13. Vaccine-Induced Tissue Scurvy Globally Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse
  14. video 90% of NYC Measles victims were vaccinated against it
  15. video Family Claims Grandmother Was Frozen Alive in Hospital Morgue
  16. Fort Hood shooter was on anti-depression medication
  17. Paralyzed 'organ donor' barely escapes doctor's knife
  18. Baby "diagnosed" as terminal survives... AGAIN
  19. Research confirms antidepressant-autism link
  20. Mom in court for refusing to drug daughter, 13, with antipsychotic
  21. Expert: New painkiller 'will kill people as soon as it's released'
  22. Woman Defies Doctors Who Told Her to Abort Unborn Baby Because It 'Will Die' and Delivers Healthy Baby Boy
  23. Miss. Man, Declared Dead, Wakes Up in Body Bag at Funeral Home
  24. Anti-depressants' side-effects worse than thought
  25. Woman Births Healthy Baby After Urged to Abort Child Having 'Ten Percent Chance of Survival'
  26. Voices for Vaccines: 11 Facts Show How it’s a Propaganda Ploy for Emory University, CDC, and Big Pharma
  27. Vaccine exemption bills often introduced but rarely passed
  28. 18 North Carolina patients may have been exposed to rare brain disease
  29. Brazil doctors convicted in organ trafficking scheme
  30. Exposed: Big Pharma Hides $450 Million of Influenza Drugs & Research from Public
  31. video Bayer CEO says cancer drug is for rich people only
  32. Doctors and Bouncers in Oxycodone Ring Charged
  33. Cops take wrong woman to psych hospital
  34. Snakebite victim charged $89,000 for 18-hour hospital stay
  35. EXCLUSIVE: Man dies in St. Barnabas Emergency Room waiting area
  36. In US, not all drugs are reviewed equally: study
  37. Judge: Doctors allowed to help you die
  38. Father Jailed For Life Without Parole After His 12 Week-Old Daughter Died After Receiving 8 Vaccinations!
  39. Judge awards $255,000 to woman groped by male nurse while in BR hospital
  40. CA doctor to plead guilty in RX trafficking case
  41. Thyroid Cancer Testing Leading to Unnecessary Thyroid Removals
  42. video Pregnant Nurse In Fear Of Miscarriage Fired For Refusing Flu Vaccine
  43. Girl falls asleep 30 times a day after receiving flu vaccine
  44. Horizons Healthcare Services fires pregnant nurse for refusing flu shot
  45. Chinese doctor admits stealing, selling newborns
  46. Texas Mom Sues After Insurance Denies Claim and Daughter Dies of Appendicitis
  47. Deadly Vaccine Kills 8 Infants; Drug Maker Says Deaths “Coincidental”  
  48. 13 year old girl goes into hospital to have tonsils removed, now braindead
  49. Medicine’s Lost Integrity: Did GMO & Big Pharma Eat the Hippocratic Oath?
  50. video Big Pharma Caught Pushing Drugs Causing Same Dangers They ‘Prevent’
  51. Mom Says [hospital] Security Put Dead Son in a Taxi
  52. video Triclosan found in 75% of us, FDA knows it's dangerous
  53. video Dangerous GP surgeries are named and shamed
  54. Major hospital blunders including 40 patients given surgery on wrong limb, revealed by official statistics
  55. Disabled baby denied heart transplant
  56. video Veterans Dropping Dead From Prescription Drug Addictions
  57. Ex-hospital worker gets 39 years for causing hepatitis C outbreak
  58. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Found to Increase Asthma Risk by up to 540%
  59. How the Current Medical System Misinforms You About Vaccines
  60. video ~ Mom faults flu shot in teen son's death
  61. True Story: 74-Year-Old with Weeks to Live Beats Cancer with Wheatgrass
  62. Deadly 5-in-1 Vaccine Kills At Least Eight Infants
  63. Boston Children's Hospital kidnaps teen girl for 10 months, holds her as prisoner while threatening parents
  64. video ~ Flavor Enhancer MSG Added to Flu Shot
  65. video ~ Pfizer Tracking Unvaccinated Children Through Health Insurance
  66. Fraud: Drug Companies Selectively Publish Studies to Push Anti-Depressants
  67. Rise in Autism Rates go Hand-in-Hand with Increased Vaccinations
  68. Top Pharma-Brand of Children's Vitamins Contains Aspartame, GMOs, & Other Hazardous Chemicals
  69. 800 European children develop narcolepsy after receiving H1N1 vaccine
  70. Director of Mexican clinic where woman was forced to give birth outside suspended
  71. Devastating Report: Cancer Misdiagnosed in Over 1.3 Million Cases
  72. Medical researcher tells how Big Pharma has corrupted healthcare
  73. Chinese Mass Vaccination Campaign Has Doubled Hepatitis B Virus Mutations
  74. Thousands of citizens in India killed by reckless Big Pharma drug trials
  75. Prominent heart surgeon admits mainstream medicine's mistake, reveals true cause of heart disease
  76. Doctors: Patients Don’t Need to be Dead Before We Harvest Their Organs
  77. Gates Foundation introduces trendy new bracelets to push more vaccines
  78. video ~ Dr Ben Carson: Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to a Socialist State
  79. video ~ Obamacare : private data will be shared with Law Enforcement (THIS IS SCARY!)
  80. Japanese doctors ordered to cover up mass radiation sickness across population
  81. Mistakes Made by Hospital Staffs
  82. Cytotechnologist Calls Test for HPV Vaccine Fraud
  83. Gasp! CDC Finally Admits the Age of Antibiotics is Finished as Super-Bacteria Take Over
  84. Women Gives Birth to IdenticalTriplets After Doctors Told Her To Abort Them
  85. Nearly two dozen medical studies prove that vaccines can cause autism
  86. 1 in 500 patients wakes up on operating table
  87. CDC: Painkillers Kill Four Times More than Cocaine and Heroin Combined
  88. Bariatric surgery performed on 2-year-old proves total insanity of western medical system
  89. Gardasil Vaccine Destroys Ovaries of 16-yr. Old Girl, Causes Infertility
  90. video ~ Ninja doctor busted
  91. Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than un-vaccinated children
  92. Doctors resign from UC Davis after getting caught infecting cancer patients' brains with fecal bacteria
  93. Surgery photo leads to privacy lawsuit against Torrance Memorial
  94. Doctors Tell Mom to Abort “Brain Dead” Baby, Mom Sues After Delivering Healthy Child
  95. video ~ New Hampshire hospital contacts 8 patients who may have been exposed to deadly, rare brain disease
  96. Courts discreetly confirm MMR vaccine causes autism
  97. Florida is a mecca for pharma payoffs to hospitals and doctors
  98. video ~ Gardasil video ignores side effects including 'death'
  99. Antipsychotic meds make children three times more likely to develop diabetes, increase suicide rates 20 fold
  100. Big Pharma invents yet another disease to sell deadly drugs
  101. Family sues pharmaceutical company over child brain damaged by flu vaccine
  102. Parents charged with murder of baby that was actually killed by vaccines
  103. video ~ Mom Sues Pharmacy After Daughter's Fatal Overdose
  104. video ~ Man with Stage 3 Colon Cancer Rejects Chemotherapy & Cures Himself with Vegan Diet
  105. Man denied life-saving surgery over 26-cent insurance dispute
  106. video ~ Snake-bite victim socked with $55K bill
  107. video ~ Teen Denied Transplant Over 'Noncompliance'
  108. Study links autism to birth inductions
  109. Texas compounding pharmacy recalls drugs after 15 infections
  110. Doctor Accused of Misdiagnosing Cancer for Medicare Payments
  111. video ~ Surgery's dirty secrets
  112. Why did Cops kill this 95-year-old in walker?
  113. video ~ Indiana doctor a serial killer?
  114. video ~ Texas woman underwent chemo after false diagnosis
  115. video ~ CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine
  116. 13,000 died needlessly at 14 worst NHS trusts
  117. Generic drug companies granted total immunity against all lawsuits from patients harmed by side effects
  118. St. Joe's "dead" patient awoke as docs prepared to remove organs
  119. video ~ Study: Thousands of surgeries unnecessary
  120. 20 Signs That The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Running A 280 Billion Dollar Money Making Scam
  121. video ~ Scientist Warning Against Flu Shot
  122. Cost of Care: Hospital CEOs Rake in Bonuses
  123. Caffeine withdrawal is now a mental disorder
  124. Netherlands, Belgium Racing to Okay Euthanasia for Disabled Children
  125. doctors to mass-euthanize children and Alzheimer's patients
  126. Half of Americans 'Mentally ill'
  127. More Kids Being Poisoned by Prescription Drugs: Study
  128. Girl 'left to die' by Sebelius decision
  129. Toronto Hospital Dehydrating Children to Death, Says Quality of Life Too Low
  130. Medical Waste Giant Stericycle Dumped Babies Murdered By Gosnell Into Landfills
  131. Vaccines caused Peanut allergy?!
  132. The Vaccine Hoax is Over. Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup
  133. U.S. Top of List for First-Day Deaths in Rich Nations
  134. Police take baby after parents seek second medical opinion
  135. Man Denied Life-Saving Liver Transplant Due to Medical Marijuana Usage
  136. Cancer Doctors Protest 'Astronomical' Drug Costs
  137. Bedbugs invade hospitals
  138. 80 Million in US can't afford to go to doctor
  139. Surprise! Look who's getting power to kill you
  140. Death Panels for Infants!
  141. Baby born in hotel bath after hospital turns away mum-to-be
  142. Obamacare made medicine dangerous to your health
  143. Nearly 25% of nurses wouldn't recommend their hospital
  144. Bird Flu Hysteria: 'Big pharma ready to cash in before virus researched'
  145. Flu vaccine causes 1,400 percent increased risk of narcolepsy
  146. Oklahoma health officials warn surgeon may have infected thousands with HIV
  147. video ~ Rogue Dentist May Have Exposed 7,000 Patients to HIV, Hepatitis
  148. Man Having Heart Attack Denied Care At Walk-In Clinic
  149. Health Care Lottery in Tennesee
  150. Americans who received swine flu vaccines are at risk for paralysis disorders
  151. video ~ Mother angry after daughter vaccinated without her permission
  152. Abortionist charged with 7 counts of first degree murder for aborting living babies
  153. American Academy of Pediatrics Announces Support for Same-Sex Marriage
  154. Rabies death from organ transplant
  155. Nevada puts psychiatric patients on bus to California
  156. 20,000 preventable deaths in government hospitals
  157. The new genetically modified flublock flu vaccine
  158. FDA says Z-Pak antibiotics can cause fatal irregular heart rhythm (AMA continues use!)
  159. Proposed Texas law calls for allowing vaccination of children without parental consent
  160. Feds sued for secrets on HPV vaccine deaths
  161. Your doctor to become 1-person death panel?
  162. CRE the superbug that has no cure? (AMA lied!)
  163. CDC: 'Nightmare bacteria' spreading in U.S. Hospitals
  164. Doctor threatens to call police if patient refuses C-Section
  165. Mother who was told to have an abortion by doctors celebrates one year birthday of her quadruplets
  166. Doctor accused of severing babies" spines with scissors in "house of horrors"
  167. Multiple vaccine doses have resulted in up to 145,000 child deaths in past 20 years
  168. Fremont nurse accused of sex attacks (The hospital knew about previous attacks and kept him on staff!)
  169. Family fights $474K hospital bill
  170. 50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam That Is About To Collapse
  171. Family fights $474K hospital bill
  172. Peanut oil in vaccines behind widespread peanut allergy epidemic
  173. Some hospitals grant patients' racist requests
  174. video ~ Secret evil truth behind the medical doctors oath
  175. Woman was forced to deliver her own baby in a New South Wales hospital
  176. U.S. ranks first in healthcare spending but last in life expectancy
  177. Cancer survivor, 11, catches fire in hospital
  178. Teen dies from flu after receiving flu shot
  179. 800 more children permanently harmed by vaccines
  180. video ~ Hospital horror: healthcare scandals sprout in UK
  181. The most common pain killer ... is a killer
  182. video ~ Doctors Unforgivable mistakes
  183. chicken pox vaccine triggers nationwide shingles epidemic
  184. video ~ Hospital Video Mocks Patient Care Under Health Reform
  185. 'Vaccine court' awards millions to two autistic children damaged by vaccines
  186. Many childhood vaccines contain aborted human fetal protein, DNA
  187. Global Antibiotic 'Apocalypse' Coming, England's Chief Medical Officer Warns
  188. At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine
  189. Study accidentally exposes chemotherapy as fraud - tumors grow faster after chemo!
  190. 800 children so far contracted narcolepsy from flu shot!
  191. Top psychiatrist: Meds behind school massacres
  192. You're Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Otherwise
  193. Evidence grows for narcolepsy link to GSK swine flu shot
  194. Surgeon 'left 16 items in man during operation'
  195. Belgian twins euthanised
  196. Surgical 'Never' Events Happen Nevertheless
  197. Double vaccination now required for children
  198. video ~ Vaccination Row
  199. video ~ The Truthseeker: Schools, Guns & Drugs
  200. video ~ Hooked on a high: America's prescription drug abuse problem
  201. The giant, gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting
  202. Police take newborn after mother refuses Hep B vaccination
  203. Email reminders encourage end-of-life talks
  204. Psychiatric hospital arrests innocent man and drugs him into submission
  205. 97% of kids with mumps in 09 were vaccinated for condition!
  206. Wrong man held, drugged at Graylands Mental Hospital
  207. video ~ Dirty medical needles put tens of thousands at risk in USA
  208. Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
  209. Man dead for 2 days on hospital toilet
  210. Hospital apologises to 38 families for appalling care that saw a patient starve to death
  211. Woman Dies After Receiving Smoker's Lungs in Transplant
  212. Meds linked to 90% of school shootings
  213. Uncle Sam has swiped your medical 'privacy'
  214. US Dr's fight UN ban on mercury in vaccines!
  215. video ~Doctors AGAIN state a baby is dead, when in fact it is born healthy and alive
  216. Doctor decapitates baby during birth
  217. Experimental treatment for PTSD: Ecstasy
  218. Disabled babies dehydrated in U.K. hospitals
  219. Kids risk of whooping cough rises after final shot
  220. Woman died because doctor missed allergy
  221. Hospitals financially gain when placing patients on "pathway" to death
  222. Breast cancer screening 'harming thousands'
  223. video ~Hospital 'wrongly declared son dead'
  224. Doctors don't all agree with school vaccinations!
  225. 10 Highly Unethical Medical Experiments
  226. Sheriff wants doctors to have patients sign away rights
  227. Patients starve and die of thirst on hospital wards
  228. video ~Ghana 'horror' in mental hospital
  229. Hospitals pushed to declared patients brain dead!
  230. Nurses trashes viable kidney
  231. Man dies after doctor goes on lunch break during surgery
  232. video ~Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging
  233. video ~Why doctors are more dangerous than guns
  234. Doctors seek laws to kill sick Christian children
  235. Judge rules boy's life support can be switched off despite parents' hope of miracle
  236. AMA spends 19X more on adverts than Research!
  237. 11 patients exposed to fatal brain disease
  238. Government death panels already here?
  239. Hosptial employee infects 30 patients with Hepatitis C
  240. 83% of doctors 'considered quitting over Obamacare'
  241. Boy forced to get cancer-causing treatment?
  242. Pharma giant failed to report 80,000 drug files
  243. Pure ecstasy 'safe' for adults, B.C. health official says
  244. Vic patients dying of thirst, hunger
  245. Kill your elderly parents and get a cash bonus!
  246. Are Doctors Improperly Storing Vaccines?
  247. Remove Kidneys for Transplant Before Donor's Death
  248. doctor mistook tuberculosis for lovesickness
  249. "Brain Dead" man recovers before AMA takes organs!
  250. Swine flu vaccines cause 17-fold increase in narcolepsy
  251. AMA seeking laws to kill newborn babies!
  252. State confiscates newborn over vaccinations
  253. AMA lied... Autism is Reversible
  254. Medical Journal: Legalize 'After-Birth Abortions', 'Infants Are Not People'
  255. 2 children get polio from polio vaccine?!
  256. Experts fear diseases 'impossible to treat'
  257. Refuse vaccines? Then Doctors refuse to give medical care
  258. Children's medicines coated with brain-damaging aluminum
  259. Merck vaccine scientist admits presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines
  260. Breaking news: cancer drugs make tumors more aggressive and deadly
  261. AMA seeks to mandate experimental vaccines!
  262. Babies dying in NI Hospital
  263. Mentally Impaired Tot Heartlessly Denied Transplant
  264. 10 year old kills best friend while on AMA drugs
  265. video ~Teen Paralyzed After Getting H1N1 Vaccination
  266. video ~Most Astonishing Health Disaster of the 20th Century
  267. Fuel additive used in French breast implants - report
  268. Stats show hospital infection rise
  269. New Powerful Painkiller Has Drug Abuse Experts Worried
  270. video ~Man pronounced brain dead now walking and talking
  271. video ~Confessions: Pharma NOT in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness
  272. antidepressants can cause children to commit murder
  273. Vaccinated Kids 2-5 More Diseases Than Unvaccinated
  274. ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them
  275. New Study Verifies Mercury In Flu Shots Is Toxic
  276. Insane Vaccine Facts
  277. Loved ones not told relative is on 'death pathway'
  278. Surgeons kill 'wrong' twin in abortion, both babies now dead
  279. Merck will pay $950M to settle Vioxx investigation
  280. Hospital accused of bullying nurses who oppose abortion
  281. video ~Man, Dies After Accidentally Receiving Execution Drug
  282. Euthanasia in Netherlands of Alzheimer patient
  283. 80% of stomach removed, but man never had cancer
  284. Man told his stomach pain was due to hysterectomy
  285. US doctors conducting human experimentation in Africa
  286. Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries
  287. Mental health worker who reported child porn fired
  288. video ~Report: Prescription Drug Deaths Skyrocket
  289. Brazil doctors found guilty of killing patients 
  290. 82 yr old woman denied emergency medical care
  291. Gardasil is killing teenagers! (26 more deaths!)
  292. Cancer Research of 10 Years Useless: Fraudulent Studies
  293. Elderly killed by "secret DNR" orders!
  294. UK doctors advised gonorrhoea has turned drug resistant
  295. Test results suggest Gardasil doses contaminated
  296. California approves Gardasil Bill for 12 r olds!
  297. video ~CDC Vaccine Secrets Revealed
  298. 27 Yrs: No Deaths from Vitamins, 3 Million from AMA Drugs
  299. Drug deaths outnumber traffic deaths in U.S., data show
  300. U.S. doctors steeped in financial ties - drug money from Big Pharma
  301. Girl paralysed by epidural left in after routine surgery
  302. Hospital tells man he's pregnant!?
  303. Australia hospitals apologize for forced adoptions
  304. UK eugenic abortion stats released
  305. video ~Shock video: Medicaid caught encouraging fraud
  306. video ~Two mothers given wrong babies to breastfeed
  307. ‘Brain dead’ Quebec woman wakes up after family refuses organ donation
  308. TV adverts for commercial abortion clinics given go ahead
  309. Unwashed hands put doctors in legal peril
  310. Ambulance call denied: woman 'was still talking'
  311. Narcolepsy cases rising after swine flu vaccine
  312. Phila. jury gives teen $10 million for Motrin reaction
  313. NHS nurses think care of elderly is 'beneath them'
  314. Prescribing Jesus Gets Doctor Censured
  315. Herbal remedies banned as new EU rules take effect
  316. video ~No Pharma Liability? No Vaccine Mandates PSA
  317. Woman brain-damaged in 2-hour wait for ambulance
  318. Swedish study links swine flu vaccine to narcolepsy
  319. Doctor jailed for removing organs while using lemon juice antiseptic
  320. 9 dead after infection outbreak in Ala. hospitals
  321. Doctor tried to charge $59,490 for $74 ultrasound
  322. Mother Loses Baby for 3 Years for Refusing C-Section Pre-Consent
  323. Jesuit hospital starving mother of 6 to death
  324. Hospital bacteria strain killing patients
  325. video ~Canadian family fights to keep boy's breathing tube in place
  326. Court rules against parents in drug vaccine case
  327. video ~Parents Allege Medical Malpractice Led to Baby's Amputations
  328. Healthy baby boy dies of pneumonia after 'being placed in broken incubator with Do Not Use sticker'
  329. video ~Pregnant woman mistakenly gets abortion drug
  330. Medical students are performing intrusive exams on unconscious patients
  331. video ~St. Charles: Colonoscope Not Fully Sanitized
  332. Kosovo physicians accused of organ trafficking racket
  333. 2 yr old girl needs 3 amputations after 5 hour wait in emergency room!
  334. Fake doctor duped hospitals, universities, AMA
  335. South African hospital firm admits 'cash for kidney' transplants
  336. video ~They are now mixing the flu shot with H1N1 poisons Dr. Oz sells out to AMA!
  337. Investigation uncovers birth control problems
  338. Government Admits Link between H1N1 Vaccine and Deadly Nerve Disease
  339. ADHD Misdiagnosed In Nearly 1 Million U.S. Kids Say Researchers
  340. Nurse caught on CCTV Turing off paralyzed patient's life support machine
  341. Elderly heart patient killed after his body was accidentally drained of blood
  342. ‘Snippets’ of Patient Data Are Accidentally Posted
  343. Beware CT-scan 'dark side'
  344. video ~Police: NJ health worker assaulted 91-year old
  345. Report: Abortionist tried to remove woman's bowel
  346. Hospital flushes baby's veins with alcohol. Baby dies
  347. video ~ER Doctor drives drunk to Hospital
  348. Mother and baby in intensive care after doctors' violent brawl in delivery room delays birth
  349. flu vaccination ban goes national after fever, convulsions in children
  350. Hospital withholds food, water from Christian pastor
  351. Atheist doctors more likely to hasten death
  352. Hospital beats up accident victim
  353. Modern medicine's biggest lie claims lives
  354. Flouride water 'causes cancer'
  355. Patients files left at public dump
  356. Woman loses her bay, dignity while awaiting hospital treatment
  357. Man sews up his own leg after ER wait
  358. AMA Abortionist gets medical 'facts' wrong (on purpose)
  359. Singer dies after doctors blame headaches on pregnancy
  360. video ~Another brain infection mistaken for pregnancy!
  361. 'Bad surgeon' guily of killing three patients
  362. Portland dctor creates suicide house for patients
  363. Warning to Britain as almost half of nurses admit to killing without consent!
  364. More than 100 nurses admit to "terminating patients" without consent!
  365. Doctor physically forces woman to have abortion
  366. Hospital uses armed man in unnanounced drill
  367. Man dies after AMA transplants cancerous kidney in his body
  368. Patient died after wrong injection
  369. Bill Gates - depopulation through vaccines
  370. House and Senate Ramming Through Secret Bill Add-Ons to Block Supplements
  371. Baby boy survives for 2 days after botched late-term abortion
  372. Flu shot fatality - toddler dies 12 hours after having vaccination
  373. Fevers in 60 children linkied to flu vaccine
  374. FDA says walnuts are drugs and Doritos are heart healthy
  375. video ~Doctors perform C-section on non-pregnant woman
  376. Woman sues Tulsa Dr for being set on fire during surgery
  377. Rotarix vaccine contaminated with pig virus! 30 million kids were vaccinated with this poison!
  378. Ants eat coma patient's eye (This happened in India where the AMA gets most of their doctors from)
  379. AMA concer testing can and often does spread cancer and make it worse
  380. Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of studies for Pfizer, Merck
  381. Doctors misdiagnosed teen 4 times! She then lost her leg (This happened in the UK where they have government healthcare)
  382. Doctors that helped to kill 1200 patients get off scot-free (Again, this is a UK hospital)
  383. Pediatric surgeon mistakenly removes a baby's bladder
  384. Delaware pediatrican charged with 471 sex crimes against patients
  385. AMA doctor stashes over 2 dozen aborted babies in his office
  386. Government owns your baby's blood & DNA?
  387. video ~Congressman Murtha dies after AMA msitake in surgery
  388. AMA sleep clinic caused death of 25yr old man?
  389. Patient dies in hosptial after 'do not resuscitate' form is mistakenly put in his files!
  390. Girl, 19, left blind after taking Tamiflu
  391. H1N1 is 'global scam': says expert
  392. 'Dead' man wakes up during his autopsy. AMA messes up AGAIN
  393. AMA sterilizes mother of 9 without her permission
  394. Medicare fraud cost taxpayers $55 million
  395. video ~AMA exposed again! Cured of Diabetes in 30 days!
  396. Court: State law allows doctor-assisted suicide
  397. Socialized medicine at its "best"
  398. Pediatrician accused of 'brutal attack' on kids
  399. Woman begs doctor to stop colonoscopy. He refused
  400. Girl, 2 dies of swine flu 24 hours after released from hospital
  401. Woman claims swine-flu shot caused paralysis
  402. Almost 500 people have adverse reaction to swine flu vaccine
  403. Teenage girl critically ill after swine flu treatment (Tamiflu)
  404. video ~Mounting debilities and deaths from H1N1 vaccine!
  405. Girl, 2, legs amputated by mistake
  406. 24 more cases of anaphylaxis due to flu shot
  407. AMA seeks to make Chiropractors look dangerous
  408. Fatal drug pulled from shelves 4 years later!
  409. Doctors misdiagnose 23 year coma! HE WAS CONSCIOUS!
  410. Truth about vaccines
  411. audio  ~AMA wrong AGAIN! Flu shot girl is healed NATURALLY!
  412. video ~Flu shot victim 'Desiree Jennings' healed naturally!
  413. audio  ~AMA exposed! Desiree Jennings HEALED!
  414. video ~AMA charges parents of dead son $30,000.00 for 5 mins in ER
  415. AMA doctor fakes exams to allow diseased immigrants in
  416. Govt boldly lies about alternative medicine
  417. video ~H1N1 flu - a Pharmaceutical Hoax!
  418. video ~Proof: Swine flu stats FAKED by US Govt
  419. Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine's dirty little secret
  420. video ~6 AMA doctors mis-diagnose cancer!
  421. Your health records available to millions
  422. A proclamation on Vaccinations
  423. Reasons NOT to take the vaccination!
  424. Jury says chemotherapy drug death was "manslaughter"
  425. Doctor lets patient die to steal Rolex
  426. Dr admits flu vaccine is deadly!
  427. 2000 schoolgirls sick from cervical cancer vaccine
  428. video ~Is the Swine flu man made?
  429. video ~Vaccine Ingredients
  430. video ~Taking your daily virus
  431. Mich. Bill Would Require Cancer Shots  
  432. 'Peaceful pill' would give patients permanent rest
  433. Terrorism, The 7th Day Adventists and Placer County Courthouse 9/11 Connection
  434. Sorry we said you could die... you've only got indigestion
  435. Another Flu Vaccine Push Coming Soon
  436. Patient DRUGGED and FORCED to get rectal exam after hit on head?
  437. US Vaccine Maker target of Homocide investigation
  438. AMA tags Pregnancy "Mental Illness!"
  439. AMA uses SWAT to invade Christian home
  440. They want your baby's DNA
  441. California plans to drug depressed patients to death
  442. The Doctors Who are Defining Life and Death
  443. Surgery agony: 'I felt every cut of the knife'
  444.  VIDEO~ Ignored patient dies at Hospital
  445. AMA again caught seekign to abort healthy baby!
  446. US court bows to AMA to stop autism lawsuit
  447.  VIDEO~Excessive heart surgeries
  448.  VIDEO~Your medical records soon to be online
  449.  VIDEO~Mom sues hospital over baby switch AND LOSES?!
  450.  VIDEO~Woman says doctors left knife in head
  451. Doctors defy law to help patients suicide
  452. Dean Health Nurse laid off mid-surgery  
  453. AMA causes 7 yr old boy to commit suicide
  454.  VIDEO~ Kids hooked on prescriptons are dying
  455. AMA now pushing booze as a cure
  456. Vaccines are dangerous to health
  457. Flu vaccine more dangerous than flu!
  458. Modern day doctors using maggots?
  459. video ~They've lied about Swine flu since 1976
  460. How to legally avoid the Flu shot
  461. video ~AMA takes kids tonsils to help sleep?
  462. video ~Truth about fat and cholesterol
  463. video ~AMA Parameics pronounce live man to be dead
  464. AMA diagnoses swine flu on 2 yr old girl. She then dies of meningitis!
  465. Doctors miss fist sized brain tumor!
  466. Baby pronounced dead is alive in coffin Ok, it's not the AMA, but they do emulate the AMA methods as a rule.
  467. video ~200,000 will die this year in USA of medical errors  
  468. video ~Your child's death will be a coincidence, and no one is liable
  469. video ~AMA purposely hides Cancer cure for profit!
  470. Did the AMA kill Senator Kennedy?  
  471. Flu vaccine linked to killer nerve disease
  472. Doctors leave premature baby to die!  

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